The India coach is refusing to take Afghanistan lightly ahead of the SAFF Cup final on Sunday.
Kerala wants a new dam as it fears that a strong earthquake might damage the existing 116-year old dam.
The corporation is planning to carry out the system to avoid controversies in slum rehabilitation project.
BANGALORE: As per the directions of the Supreme Court on a petition filed by the Peoples Union for Civil Liberties, the Bruhat Ba..
Ravi also assured that the government is planning to separate air traffic control from the AAI.
CUTTACK: The clash between Congress workers and police at the Cuttack Municipal Corporation (CMC) office here has taken a nasty tu..
Agnivesh said his appeal is specifically to Hazare, the anti-corruption movement and Arya Samaj organisations.
PUDUCHERRY: Former Puducherry Chief Minister V Vaithilingam was appointed as leader of the Congress Legislature Party (CLP) provis..
PUDUCHERRY: During the Independence Day speech on Monday, Puducherry Chief Minister N Rangasamy and his government promised initia..
CHENNAI: An idol thief-turned-museum owner in the US, who allegedly fled India with 26 antique statues from temples in Tamil Nadu,..
Distributor Warner Bros. reports that the movie summoned up $92.1 million domestically on opening day.
KORAPUT: Five homeguards of Machkund police station in Koraput resigned on Saturday fearing Maoist attacks. This comes 48 ho..
CP Hari, District Secretary of SC Morcha, suffered severe battering from the cops, causing him to lose four front teeth...
Montek said monsoon rains and good macro management of the sector to bring down high food prices.
CHENNAI: Adding to the woes of the differently-abled, authorities now refuse to accept their National Disability ID cards as proof..