Twitter's Billion Dollar Argument: Elon Musk and Daimler Engage in a Public Spat Over Electric Vehicles
Twitter's Billion Dollar Argument: Elon Musk and Daimler Engage in a Public Spat Over Electric Vehicles
Twitter had a field day when Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Mercedes-Benz' parent company Daimler engaged in a public spat over the latter's investment in electric vehicles.

Elon Musk has never shied away from sharing his opinions and ambitious plans on Twitter and when USA Today Money tweeted out their story stating ‘Mercedes-Benz plans to invest $1 billion in Alabama to produce electric vehicles,’ Musk had something to say. The Tesla Motors CEO replied to the tweet saying “That's not a lot of money for a giant like Daimler/Mercedes. Wish they'd do more. Off by a zero," suggesting perhaps the company should be spending $10 billion instead of one.

Mercedes’ parent company Daimler was quick with a comeback tweet having facts and figures. The tweet wasn’t a reply, but a standalone tweet with a direct mention to Elon Musk saying that he’s right about the missing zero and they are investing over $10 billion in their next generation of electric vehicles (EVs) and over $1 billion in battery production.

To this, all Elon Musk responded was with ‘Good.’

Daimler did not stop there as it took on some users who sided with Elon Musk.

And when Twitter user Suryansh Pathak mentioned that ‘How Elon's one tweet made Daimler bleed > $10 B.’, Daimler had something to say about it too.

The matter didn’t die down there as based on these exchange of tweets, Jalopnik did a story saying that Elon Musk didn’t actually make Daimler invest $10 billion in electric vehicles overnight. This story was shared by Twitter user Dean Kawamura stating the same, to which Elon Musk responded ‘Yes, I did’.

This has left everyone guessing as to in what manner did Musk say that. It could just be a simple joke or perhaps, a reference to how his company Tesla has changed the game when it comes to electric vehicles. Maybe, that’s for the readers to guess.

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