Bengaluru: Nearly Rs 14L Cash Stolen From Parked BMW in Broad Daylight | WATCH Thieves' Each Move
Bengaluru: Nearly Rs 14L Cash Stolen From Parked BMW in Broad Daylight | WATCH Thieves' Each Move
Bengaluru News: The duo arrived at the spot -- wearing masks -- from opposite directions to avoid being identified

In broad daylight, two men stole cash worth nearly Rs 14 lakh from a parked BMW in Bengaluru. A man smashed the driver-side window, leaped inside the car, took the cash and fled with his co-conspirator on a bike.

Local reports of the theft have mentioned refuting figures, while India Today says Rs 13 lakh, NDTV says Rs 14 lakh and Times Now has mentioned a theft of Rs 13.75 Lakh. However, News18 has not yet got the information on exact amount of cash stolen.

The theft was captured by a CCTV camera in the area. According to IT, the car belonged to one Babu, a resident of Bengaluru’s Anekal Taluk.

CCTV footage of the incident shows two masked men near the BMW X5 Sedan — which itself is worth over a crore. The duo’s masks intended at avoiding identification. The two men arrive at the spot from opposite directions, one on a bike and other on foot.

The latter looks around and then peeps inside the car, while the former turns his bike around — prepared to flee — and looks back at his accomplice. The man quietly shatters the glass of the driver-seat window and hops in. He takes a little while to reach in and grab the cash, following which he walks to the bike — with a bag in his hand — and flees the scene with his accomplice.

Reportedly, a case has been filed at the Sarjapur police station. An investigation is underway and no arrests have been made so far.

Earlier this month, a social media ‘influencer’ was arrested by the Bandra police for allegedly stealing valuables worth Rs 24 lakh from a BMW car parked outside Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. The valuables included gold jewellery as well as diamonds priced around Rs 23 lakh.

The accused identified as 31-year old Abhimanyu Gupta made reels on Instagram where he had four lakh followers and would show his flashy lifestyle. He was formerly a TikTok star where he had around nine million followers, before the platform got banned by the Indian government.

In this case too, the owner — Pratik Maheshwari — found the rear window of the car broken. As per a Hindustan Times report, Maheshwari, an import-export businessman from Seven Bungalows Andheri had come to the Bandra hospital on the evening of October 7 to check his father who was admitted there. When he parked the car outside the hospital, he had left a bag containing diamonds and other jewellery, ₹1 lakh in cash, documents and digital keys of the car on the rear seat, which was missing when he came back.

An official from the Bandra police said on finding the bag missing and the window of his car broken, Maheshwari came to the police station to report the theft. The police booked the then unknown accused under sections 379 (theft) and 427 (mischief causing damage of property) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

The CCTV footage outside the hospital was scanned by the police to look for the accused and found a ride and white Yamaha superbike, which was used by the accused. Eventually the bike was found parked in Kurla.

Gupta was caught when the police waiting for someone to come and take the bike. The investigating officer said, “He later told us that he had stolen the bike from Panvel and affixed a fake number plate to it.” The officer further said that apart from the bike, the goods that were stolen from Maheshwari’s car on Saturday was also recovered by the police.

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