11 Ways a Scorpio Woman Acts When She Loves You
11 Ways a Scorpio Woman Acts When She Loves You
Scorpio women are passionate, creative, and magnetic...but they can also be tough to read. When they’re in love, they express their feelings in complex and subtle ways. But while these powerful water signs can take their time to warm up to you, once they’re committed, they’re amazing partners. Get ready for an epic love story full of devotion and intense connection. We’ll walk you through 11 definite signs a Scorpio woman is in love.This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

She prioritizes spending time with you.

Scorpio women go “all-in” and they’re incredibly dedicated in love. These women show love by putting their partners first. Your Scorpio woman will always make sure to set aside time to connect with you—whether that means planning a romantic evening or sending a cute goodnight text. Make your Scorpio feel like she’s a priority, too. Set aside a regular “date night” time and respond quickly whenever she reaches out. These signs take a while to warm up to their partner, and they need reassurance that you’re totally dependable.

She gives you her full attention.

Scorpios are incredibly focused people, especially around their partners. If you spend time with a Scorpio lover, she’ll make you feel like you two are in your own little world. Forget beeping notifications, background noise, and distractions. She’ll be totally dialed into you. Match her energy by leaving your phone on silent and making lots of eye contact when you two talk. Most of a Scorpio’s intensity comes from the fact that they’re ruled by Mars—the planet of action and passion.

She stares at you lovingly.

A Scorpio in love will turn her signature “Scorpio stare” into total doe eyes. Scorpios are known for their powerful eye contact, but once they’re smitten, their normally piercing stare will melt into a soft, caring gaze. Your Scorpio woman look right into your eyes when you two talk. You might even catch her stealing quick glances from across the room. Look a Scorpio woman straight in the eye when you communicate with her. Since Scorpios are naturally suspicious signs, it’s important for her to realize you’re never going to hide anything from her.

She’s physically affectionate.

Scorpio women bring passion and heat into any romantic relationship. Because they’re ruled by Mars, they’re pretty physical people. A smitten scorpion will find every possible excuse to curl up next to you, touch you, and kiss you. In the bedroom, Scorpios are equally intense, but because they’re water signs, they crave emotional intimacy alongside physical intimacy. Scorpios are highly sexually compatible with earth signs like Taurus and Capricorn. Earth signs provide the steadiness and emotional connection that water signs, like Scorpio, want during sex. You can be compatible with a Scorpio regardless of your sign as long as you communicate about what you like and don’t like (both in and out of the bedroom).

She opens up to you.

Scorpios get a bad rap for being “cold,” but they just need time. You’ll know a Scorpio woman loves you when she feels like she can be vulnerable with you. The second she starts to let you in on her hopes, dreams, and secrets during late-night chats or text convos, there’s no going back! To a Scorpio, sharing personal info is a huge sign of trust and love. Be accountable and upfront with your Scorpio woman about what you want from the relationship and who you are. She’ll open up to you faster if she thinks you’re trustworthy and solid.

She shows you she’s a secret softie.

Scorpio women will shed their tough exterior around people they love. Remember, these dark and serious gals are also ruled by Pluto, the planet of mystery. That means they’ve got a lot going on underneath the surface. Deep down, Scorpio women are warm and deeply emotional, sensitive people. If you catch your Scorpio woman writing you poetic love notes or stealing your favorite hoodie, she’s head over heels in love. Try not to tease a Scorpio woman or make a big deal about moments where she’s revealing her softer side. Scorpio women are really sensitive, and your partner might pull away if she feels exposed or embarrassed.

She listens to your advice.

As fixed signs, Scorpio women won’t just take anyone’s advice. So if a Scorpio woman takes the time to listen to your input, it means she thinks you’re special. Look for moments when she changes her mind because of something you’ve said or makes a slightly out-of-character choice because of your guidance. Hold off on giving a Scorpio woman advice unless she asks for your input. These determined and creative people definitely like to solve problems themselves.

She wants to know everything about you.

Pluto’s influence means that Scorpio women value deep connection. On top of that, they’re detail-oriented people who go through everything with a fine-tooth comb. A Scorpio woman in love will want to know the brand of coffee you like, the little pet peeves that make you frustrated, and the types of jokes that make you smile. Expect her to ask you lots of questions about your likes and dislikes. Answer her deep questions but don’t expect her to answer them, too. A Scorpio woman will reveal her secrets on her own terms and at her own pace.

She cares about your goals and dreams.

Scorpio women are natural cheerleaders. They bring their “all or nothing, do or die” attitude into everything they do—even supporting their partner. A Scorpio woman will show you how much she loves you by showing up to the important moments in your life. If you share your dreams with her, she’ll tell you that you can accomplish anything. In fact, she’ll probably jump into action to help you get started. Don’t be afraid to include a Scorpio woman in your future plans (whether that’s a holiday trip or concert tickets a few months away). These signs are committed, and she’s probably planning for the long haul anyway.

She’s only got eyes for you.

Scorpios don’t fall in love easily, but once they do, they’re 100% faithful. Your Scorpio lover won’t play games with you or mess around with your feelings. In return, she’ll expect you to do the same; be honest, communicative, and faithful, and you two will be a power couple. Reassure your Scorpio that you’re just as devoted as she is. Tell her there’s no one else like her, and you can’t imagine your life without her.

She might get jealous.

For Scorpios, love can teeter on possession, and they don’t like to share. If a Scorpio woman likes you, she might get suspicious if you start spending time with other women. Remember, some jealousy is normal, but if she makes you uncomfortable or starts telling you what you can and can’t do, it’s time to set boundaries. If your Scorpio woman seems jealous, talk to her about her concerns. Communicate how her behavior makes you feel and work together to come up with a solution.

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