140 Cute, Soft, & Cool Names for Femboys
140 Cute, Soft, & Cool Names for Femboys
If you’re a femboy or you’re in a relationship with a femboy, you might be looking for some cute nicknames to call each other. We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ve gathered all the cutest femboy nicknames, as well as soft, cool, and unique femboy names to try out. Plus, learn what a femboy is and get answers to common questions about choosing a femboy name.
Best Nicknames for Femboys

Cute Femboy Nicknames

Give your favorite femboy an adorable pet name. If you’re dating a femboy, think of some cute nicknames you can call them to show them affection. As the name suggests, most femboys appreciate femininity, so try out a few feminine pet names to see which ones they like. Feel free to use more than one! Here are some examples: Angel Cutie Love Bug Pet Duckie Bubbles Buttercup Kitty Prince/Princess King Peanut Puppy Baby Bear Bunny Precious Bug Treasure Jelly Bean Lovey Cuddle Bug

Soft Femboy Names

Give yourself a soft, masculine name. While femboys usually present more femininely, not every femboy wants a feminine name. Some prefer traditional boys’ names that sound a bit softer. Many of these names also have a vintage vibe. If you’re looking to try out a new femboy name, here are some examples: Louis Ollie Jasper Alfie Benny Jamie Noah Teddy Toby Leo Finn Eli Max Charlie Rory Nicky Emerson Jude Jack Gabriel

Cool Femboy Names

Choose a cool name to build your self-confidence. When choosing a femboy name, it’s important to pick something that reflects your identity and makes you feel confident. The more comfortable you feel, the more confident you’ll become, so pick a cool name you really like. Here are some examples: Ash River Storm Axel Neo Maverick Knox Slate Zen Atlas Cyrus Ansel Maddox Rowan Mylo Luka Arlo Hart Reign Rome

Unique Femboy Names

Stand out with a unique name. If you love to stand out from the crowd, choose a name you don’t hear often. Try looking up rare baby names, name yourself after your favorite character, or choose a word that isn’t traditionally used as a name! Your options are endless. Here are some examples: Lennox Zion Sterling Keir Aspen Blackwell Onyx Florian Sage Aether Lysander Orion Quill Rune Soren Tavish Xanthe Caspian Evander Elio

Aesthetic Femboy Names

Pick a femboy name that matches your aesthetic. Think of how you like to dress and present yourself on a daily basis, then choose a name that reflects your aesthetic. Or, simply pick a name that looks and sounds aesthetically pleasing. The only thing that matters is that you like the name. Here are some examples: Zephyrus Calix Kairo Isra Nemo Yael Blythe Asher Kylo Nikko Alistair Artemis Jaxx Kai Oleander Finch Sol August Yves Lucien

Famous Femboy Names

Name yourself after your favorite celebrity. One of the great things about choosing your own name is that you can name yourself after whoever you like! If you’re a big fan of a certain musician (or other celebrity), pay homage to their legacy by naming yourself after them. For something a bit more unique, name yourself after their last name rather than their first. Here are some examples: Bowie (after David Bowie) Prince (after Prince) Mercury (after Freddie Mercury) Presley (after Elvis Presley) Ziggy (after David Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust) Jagger (after Mick Jagger) Lennon (after John Lennon) Ringo (after Ringo Starr) Hendrix (after Jimi Hendrix) Elvis (after Elvis Presley) Dylan (after Bob Dylan) Cobain (after Kurt Cobain) Axl (after Axl Rose) Bono (after Bono) Sting (after Sting) Jovi (after Bon Jovi) Slash (after Slash) Ozzy (after Ozzy Osbourne) Jett (after Joan Jett) Elton (after Elton John)

Edgy Femboy Names

Pick an edgy name if you want to sound tough. Just because you’re a femboy doesn’t mean you can’t embrace your masculine side, as well! If you have a darker aesthetic, consider choosing a name to match. Go for something sharp, like a name that contains a Z or an X. Here are a few edgy names to get you started: Rogue Tempest Blade Blaze Vortex Phoenix Vesper Nyx Jinx Noir Shadow Nox Void Ice Echo Zade Hawk Frost Raven Zephyr

What is a femboy?

Femboy is slang for a person who presents themselves in a feminine way. It is mostly used for cisgender males, but some trans men and nonbinary people may also identify as femboys. Femboys often wear feminine clothing (like dresses and skirts) and accessories (like nail polish and makeup), and they may act softer and more feminine than “masculine” men. The term femboy was originally a derogatory term for men who didn’t fit traditional masculine standards, but in recent years, it has been reclaimed as a positive way for men to identify. Anyone can [a femboy], regardless of sexual orientation.

Femboy Name FAQs

What are femboy names? Femboy names are typically names femboys give themselves. While any name can be a femboy name if you identify as a femboy, most femboy names typically have softer sounds or are traditionally associated with femininity.

Are femboy names only for transgender people? No, you don’t have to be transgender to identify as a femboy or have a femboy name. Femboy names can be used by anyone who wants to express themselves more femininely, regardless of gender identity.

How do I choose the right femboy name? It’s okay to try out different names until you find one you like. Pick a name that feels right and reflects your desired image and expression. However, be sure to respect other cultures when choosing a name. Research your desired name to make sure you won’t accidentally offend someone by using it. For example, some people may want to name themselves after their favorite anime character, but this could be considered cultural appropriation if the individual is not Japanese.

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