How Do Virgos React to Being Ignored?
How Do Virgos React to Being Ignored?
So, you’re thinking that a Virgo might start chasing you if you start ignoring them. Although rather particular, Virgos can react to being ignored in a lot of different ways. They can either be super chill and not notice at all, or get really stressed and wonder what they did wrong. We’ve compiled a list of ways a Virgo may react to being ignored to help you decide if ignoring them is the best thing to do.

They may not notice.

Virgos have a high tolerance for being ignored. Introverted and independent, they may not even notice you’re ignoring them. They’ll go about their day as if nothing’s the matter—and they’re not even trying to be mean! This could be a sign that you’re not as close to them as you thought. Take this as an opportunity to reach out and learn more about them! Text or call them so you’re back on their radar. Maybe try ignoring them a few days later if you still think that’s the best thing to do.

They may shrug it off.

A Virgo’s indifference can get the best of them. They have trouble expressing their emotions, and they may pretend you ignoring them doesn’t bother them. A Virgo would rather pretend conflict isn’t there then face it. Try opening up with them instead of ignoring them. This may help them open up too. Do they cross their arms when they’re around you, or actually shrug their shoulders? They may be closing themselves off. When ignoring a Virgo, ask yourself, “What result am I hoping for?” This will help you know why you want to ignore them and what you want to gain from it.

They may not be bothered.

Being alone is when a Virgo feels the most comfortable. Sometimes they actually prefer to be ignored because it gives them time to think and work on their own project. Ignoring a Virgo could backfire because they simply may not care. They’ll reach out to you in their own time, not because you ignored them, but because they’ve finished whatever they were doing. If ignoring a Virgo still seems like your best bet, try ignoring them when they have nothing going on—no projects, no outings, nothing.

They may get irritated.

Although intelligent, Virgos don’t always notice things right away. They may get frustrated if they try to contact or communicate with you and you don’t respond. You ignoring them may be the last reason they think of, so be patient and hold your ground if you believe ignoring them is the best option.

They may start ignoring you back.

Virgos are rather caught up in their own worlds. They may start ignoring you whether they mean to or not. So caught up in their projects and busy schedules, they may not realize you’re ignoring them. But when they do, their response may be to just do the same, as long as they can avoid their emotions. Extend the olive branch and let them know you don’t want to ignore them anymore. Tell them why you ignored them in the first place and ask them why they did the same. In the end, no harm can come from being honest.

They may assume you’re busy.

Virgos aren’t good at taking hints, so they may think nothing of it. It may take a bit longer than usual for a Virgo to realize you’re ignoring them, so don’t expect them to chase you right away. They may think you’ve got a lot on your plate or started hanging out with someone else. Be patient if you want a Virgo to chase after you. It’ll take them time to understand why you’re suddenly so silent. When they finally do reach out, let them know what’s troubling you and exactly why you ignored them.

They may consistently try to contact you.

Virgos are slow but loyal. If they really care for you, they will try to contact you even when you’re ignoring them. They want to talk to you, and this can work to your advantage because the more busy you seem, the more they’ll admire you. Post what you’re doing on social media so they’re sure to see you’re not ignoring everyone. Answer their messages every now and then, but let them know you’re busy. You want them to think your time is valuable.

They may start questioning the relationship.

Self-doubt is nothing new for a Virgo. Their perfectionist nature can get the best of them as they are constantly contemplating the consequences of their actions. When they’re ignored, they may start questioning whether or not the relationship is right for them. They are their worst critics, and if they’ve screwed up the relationship, they’ll want to punish themselves. Your Virgo may reach out after taking some time to think. If they do reach out, tell them why you started ignoring them. Open the floor to be honest and open with each other.

They may wonder if you don’t like them.

Virgos often wonder if they’re to blame for all their problems. Ignoring them can send them into a downward spiral of “This is all my fault! They don’t like me anymore!” Maybe that’s the case, and, if it’s not, ignoring them will help them learn what they did wrong in the first place. Give them time to think about why you’re ignoring them for a few days, but don’t be cruel! Reach back out when you think they’ve learned their lesson.

They may stop contacting you.

When a Virgo feels like they’re in the wrong, they punish themselves. Instead of reaching out to you to see what’s wrong, they may think you’ve lost interest. They’ll stop calling, texting, and DMing all because they think you don’t like them. Reach out to them and let them know you still want a relationship. Explain why you started ignoring them and clear the air. Remember, communication is key. Sometimes ignoring someone isn’t the best tactic.

They may find someone else.

Virgos expect a lot out of themselves and their partners. They are critical of who they date and may take you ignoring them as a red flag. Virgos either feel like they’re in the wrong or their partner is. No matter, getting together with someone else may seem like their best option. Go to them if you still want a relationship! Ignoring someone can often backfire, but there’s still a chance you can win them back by just talking to them. Be honest and tell them how you feel.

They may come running back to you.

Ignoring a Virgo could work to your advantage. It may take them days or even weeks to notice, but be patient because once they do, they’ll be begging for your attention. It’ll take time for a Virgo to realize your absence is out of the ordinary, so be patient and stick with it. Remember that your Virgo has feelings too. Ignoring them for long periods of time can increase their self-doubt. Talk to them about why you ignored them. This will strengthen your relationship and help you both avoid a similar situation in the future.

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