How to Climb a Wall
How to Climb a Wall
Wall climbing can be a fun activity and good exercise. It is also one of the more common elements used by practitioners of parkour. This article will teach you all you need to know if you too would like to learn to climb a wall.

Learning the Basic Wall Climb

Stretch yourself and loosen up. Climbing a wall can strain some muscles that you may not have stressed much before. Perform some light exercise and stretch before attempting the wall climb.

Find a short wall to practice on. Try to find one that is low enough that your hands can reach over the top of the wall while your feet are still on the ground, but one that is also high enough that your arms will have to be extended to reach the top. Make sure you can grip the wall appropriately. A highly slick or polished surface is not ideal for practice.

Grab the top of the wall. Use both hands and attempt to get as much of your palm onto the top of the wall as you can. Even though your feet remain on the ground, it should appear that you are dangling by your arms. They must remain extended as you grasp the wall.

Place your feet on the wall. One foot should be high--nearly to the height of your waist--while the other should remain eighteen inches below that. Keep your feet underneath you, not spread out to the sides. Your toes and the front of your feet should be flexing so that they are in contact with the wall surface.

Push and pull yourself upward. This should appear as one fluid motion. First, push yourself up with your legs, and then pull yourself up with your arms. Push into the wall with your legs. Your body should be parallel to the wall at first, and this would seem to be pushing you away. However, your arms are holding your close, so all momentum that pushed you away from the wall will also force you up. Just as you are beginning to develop momentum with your leg push, begin to pull with your upper body.

Go over the wall. As you are pulling yourself over the top edge of the wall, kick your back leg out and bring your upper body over the top of the wall. Continue this move until your center of gravity (in your lower torso) is over the edge of the wall.

Circle your back leg forwards. Get your first leg over the wall, and then finish the climb. You can also swing one of your legs upwards right under your body followed by the other leg. If you are on a roof now, stand up. If you are instead climbing a free-standing wall, you can slide over it and pull your feet underneath you as you come down on the other side.

Climbing along Two Walls

Find two walls that are close together. In many cities, it is common to find two buildings separated by only a narrow alley. The ideal distance would be a little greater than the distance between your elbows when you extent both of your arms out to the side.

Place the hand and foot of each side of your body onto one wall. Your left hand and foot will go to one wall, while your right hand and foot will go to the other. Apply pressure to both walls simultaneously in order to hold up your body's weight.

Move one hand or foot up at a time. As you do so, you will have to increase the pressure you apply with the other hand or foot that is on that particular wall.

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