How to Deal Poker
How to Deal Poker
Poker is a popular game with multiple variations. Poker dealers distribute cards to players and are in charge of overseeing the action at the poker table. There are specific skills and characteristics you must develop in order to become a great poker dealer. These apply whether you are hosting a poker night with friends or are looking to become a professional poker dealer. Learning to deal poker involves practicing distributing the cards, developing the typical characteristics of a dealer, and being familiar with a few variations of the game.

Distributing the Cards

Shuffle the deck. Shuffling randomizes the deck in order to introduce chance to the game. Not shuffling the cards could allow some players to predict the cards that will come up later, which would give these players an unfair advantage. There are different ways to shuffle, but a poker shuffle will typically consist of two riffles, a box, another riffle, and a cut. A riffle refers to splitting the cards in half and mixing them together by placing the corners of the cards in each half against each other and letting the cards go so they intermix. A box means taking the top quarter of the deck and placing it on the table, then taking the next quarter of the deck and placing it on top of the first quarter, then repeating this with the rest of the cards. A cut refers to placing the deck on the table and having a player cut the deck in half. The bottom portion of the deck moves to the top. Look up deck shuffling tutorials on YouTube if you would like to learn different shuffling styles. Some styles, like the Hindu shuffle or the Table Riffle shuffle, are known for being more elegant than others.

Deal the cards to the players. There are two main styles of dealing: American and European. You can switch up your style according to your mood or to who the players are: American-style dealing involves holding the deck in one hand, pinching the front right corner of the card with the thumb and index finger, and flicking the wrist to throw the card to the player. European-style dealing involves touching just the top of the card and sliding the card to the felt, then pushing the card, often with a spin, towards the player.

Burn and turn the cards. If you’re playing a community card game like Texas Hold’em, you should burn - in other words discard - the card at the top of the deck. You should also turn the fourth of five cards dealt to the community. The players can then use this card to constitute their final hand.

Manage the pot. It is the responsibility of the dealer to verify how much players are betting and raising as well as to keep track of side pots. You can use an online side pot calculator on a site like PokerListings to facilitate the process. Read the hands of the players and push the pot towards the winner at the end of the game.

Developing the Characteristics of a Dealer

Practice often. Shuffling a deck, dealing the cards to players, and keeping track of the pot are skills that you gain by doing the actions repeatedly. Practice at home with a deck of cards prior to a game to improve your accuracy and sleight of hand.

Be professional. Gamblers are looking to have a good time, which, for the dealer, translates to maintaining a positive attitude, showing restraint and keeping quiet throughout the game, and answering or redirecting any questions that are raised. Poker dealers must have good communication and customer service skills. Communicating with the players and, if applicable, with the floor or casino staff is crucial to being a good, entertaining dealer.

Be familiar with a variety of games. Poker is played hundreds of ways, so familiarize yourself with the rules of each game. The most popular variations are Texas Hold’em, the Five- and Seven-Card Studs, and the Five-Card Draw. Read or watch online tutorials from the likes of TruePokerDealer to learn how to play different variations.

Dealing Texas Hold’em

Deal 2 cards face down to each player. The player in the small blind should receive the first card. This will be the player to your immediate left; they should place a bet equivalent to half of that round’s full bet.

Monitor the “pre-flop” betting round. Go around the table allowing every player to raise (by the amount of the big blind or more), call (match the current bet), or fold (give up for the round). Moving clockwise from the player in the small blind, bets will be made until every player has folded, put in their chips, or matched the amount of other players combined.

Deal a flop. After every player has paid a blind or made an ante, as required by the rules by which you are playing, deal three shared cards to each player, beginning with a player to your left and ending with yourself. A second betting round will follow.

Deal a single community card. Texas Hold’em is a game in which the incomplete, hidden hand of players is combined with face-up cards that are shared. This first shared card is known as the turn. A third round of betting will ensue, moving clockwise from your left.

Deal another community card. This is known as the river. A fourth round of betting and a showdown will follow.

Call for the players to reveal their cards. The best 5-card hand that can be made from the 2 cards in a player’s hand and the 5 on the table is the winner.

Dealing the Five-Card Draw

Deal 5 cards to each player. Begin by dealing 1 card face down to the player to your left and continuing around the table dealing cards 1 at a time until every player has 5 cards. This is a game in which players are dealt a full hand which remains hidden and is improved by replacing cards.

Set the cards that were not dealt in the center of the table. Mark these with a chip or another item so that they are distinguishable from other cards.

Open the table for betting. At this point, players should be holding the cards in their hands, being careful not to show them to other players.

Allow players to replace and discard cards. Players can discard as many cards as they like and replace them by drawing the same number of cards from the deck in the middle of the table. Each player should ultimately have 5 cards.

Re-open the table for betting. If you played blinds, where only the two players to your left paid money before you dealt the cards, betting should begin from the player immediately to your left.

Instruct players to show their cards. This is the showdown. The player with the best 5-card hand wins the pot.

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