How to Do a Kip Up (Kick Up)
How to Do a Kip Up (Kick Up)
Ever see a Jackie Chan movie and wonder how he goes from lying flat on his back to standing up in a flash? It looks like he jumps up from the floor effortlessly, but you can do it too with a little practice!

Starting Face-Up

Lie flat on your back. Get into a neutral position, with your legs straight out and your arms extended comfortably at your sides.

Pull your legs up to your chest. They can be bent at the knees, or (if you're really flexible) kept straight.

Put your hands flat on the ground, next to your ears. Keep your fingers pointed toward the tops of your shoulders.

Roll back so that all of your weight is on your shoulders. Your spine beneath your shoulders and your rear should be in the air.

Kick your legs up directly into the air. The most important part is to kick upwards as hard as you can, not at an angle. Your body should fly into the air from the force of you kicking your legs.

Push hard with your hands as soon as you feel your momentum shifting upwards. Picture that you're doing a backwards push-up, and push as hard as you can. Try to make this movement as explosive as possible. There's no turning back at this point — you either complete the kick-up or land flat on your back. Time to give it your all!

Land in a squat. When you feel that sensation of weightlessness just before you're about to fall downwards, pull your legs downward as quickly as you can. Snap them down hard, and the momentum will cause the rest of your body to whirl upwards (land on your toes first). You'll suddenly, almost magically, be on your feet.

Starting Face-Down

Lie face-down on the floor. Face forward but keep your neck comfortable; your chin should point downward without touching the floor. Keep your arms on the floor and bent in front of you, so that your hands are just beyond your face.

Bend your legs at the knees and curl them up. Your heels should be touching the back of your thighs.

Put your hands flat on the ground, next to your ears. For a face-down kip-up, you can use flat palms or fists — whichever works best for you.

Kick back hard with your legs, while pushing up with your hands. Move your arms like you're doing a pushup, while flipping your legs back hard. Between the momentum in your legs and the slight push upwards from your hands, you should be able to flip into a squatting position.

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