How to Fight with a Bo Staff
How to Fight with a Bo Staff
Fighting with the Bo staff is a handy skill, more likely to come to your aid in a street fight than the fancier weapons. Though the actual fighting is very different from the cool looking moves from martial arts movies, it is achievable with determination, focus, and the right training.

Training by Yourself

Find a good staff for you - or make your own.

Get the balance. You should try just swinging it in as many ways as possible for two or three days (one hour per day) To get the feel of your weapon, you need to be aggressive.

Start with basic moves. The strike is the primary and most useful move. Practice the basic strikes, which are,diagonally towards southwest, and southeast.The 'stab' is the most useful move as it is harder to defend. Practice slowly until you perfect your moves, and then do them more quickly. As Bruce Lee said, "I don't fear the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times."

Devise your own combos. It should come easily as you familiarize with your staff. Also, try to imagine yourself defending those combos. Add some moves which would make it harder to stop. A little twist here, a slight flick there could make a lot of difference.

Build your fitness. Try some arm exercises which would lend your arm more strength. Add power to your strikes. Exercise daily.

Work on your footwork. More fight is in your legs than the weapon. Practice footing to add force to your blows. Move forward as you strike, and sideways as you parry. Moving backwards is almost always a disadvantage. Stay away from rotations, turning your back on your opponent, even for the fraction of a second, is not a good idea.

Training with a Friend

Start with basic steps. The basic steps are the same as those for training by yourselves. You should be able to handle your weapon before you start sparring.

Work together on strikes and blocks. One can strike and the other can block. This is no good unless the moves are mixed up. Repeating the same move does no good but to damage your bo staff.

Compete in speed, not in sparring. Try to see who finishes a combo faster, or who works through an obstacle course first. Learn from your partner.

Spar together. Spar for fixed time intervals, with safety rules, and with true sportsman spirit. Remember, defense is the best attack.

Practice. Practice daily, and train hard.

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