How to Handle an Angry Aries Man
How to Handle an Angry Aries Man
As an energetic fire sign, an Aries man's anger burns hot and strong. It can feel intimidating to face an angry Aries, but there are actually several straightforward ways to effectively calm him down. As long as you stay composed, understanding, and respectful, you'll be talking things out peacefully in no time. Read on for our complete guide to dealing with an angry Aries man!

Stay calm.

Aries' quick temper may spiral out of control if you get worked up. Avoid yelling or raising your voice in any way, even if he does. An angry Aries needs to get his composure back, and he can't do that if there's a full-blown fight brewing. By staying calm, you can also communicate more effectively while getting a better understanding of his feelings and body language. If you also get angry, you may both hurt one another's feelings. Plus, Aries may take the confrontation too seriously and assume you don't care for him anymore. If you feel your temper rising, take several deep breaths and walk away if you need to.

Give him space.

Often, an Aries man just needs time to cool off. His anger is powerful but passing; it comes and goes quickly. Tell him that you'll let him cool off and invite him to talk when he's ready. Once he's had time to calm down by himself, he'll be able to address his anger and speak to you more constructively about the problem. When you pull back and give him space, it may help him see how anger worsened the situation. Your absence may also make him realize how valuable you are, and he'll waste no time reaching out to you.

Respect the time he needs to calm down.

The problem could worsen if you insist on talking while he's angry. Sometimes you won't have to offer Aries some space because he'll have enough self-awareness to ask for it. If he tells you that he needs to cool off, let him go—he'll approach you when he's ready. He'll get more frustrated if you follow him or make demands, and if you beg him to stay, he might think it's a sign of weakness. If you're not sure whether he's calmed down enough yet, it's okay to check in gently or send him a casual text. "I just wanted to see how you're feeling. Let me know if you'd like to talk or you still need time!"

Discuss the problem.

Communication is important to Aries and may calm him down. Once he's had space, it's time to get to the root of his anger. Find out what sparked it and might resolve the situation. Encourage him to share his feelings and needs with you; Aries sometimes finds it difficult to be vulnerable, but appealing to his honest and straightforward nature can help him open up. "Can we talk? I'm committed to resolving this, and I want to know more about why you're angry." "I know you're angry, but I feel like I don't know the whole story. I'd like to get to the root of the issue if you're willing to share with me."

Listen to his frustrations.

Show Aries you care by letting him vent rather than arguing with him. Face him and make eye contact, nodding when he makes a point, so he knows you're paying attention. Keep your posture open (no crossed arms or legs) and tilt your head forward slightly. You can also say little things like "yes" or "uh-huh" to encourage him to keep talking. Avoid planning out what you'll say next while he's still talking. You might miss something important if you're thinking instead of listening. Ruled by Mars, the planet of aggression, Aries is often combative when he thinks someone is arguing with him—he wants to win the fight at all costs. That's why letting him vent is much more effective!

Empathize with him.

When you understand why he's angry, it's easier to find a solution. Even if his anger seems blown out of proportion to you (which can happen if you have a more even-tempered sun sign like Libra or Gemini), you'll have a better grasp of his feelings if you empathize and put yourself in his shoes. Once you know how he feels, you can figure out the best way to reply to him. Use empathetic statements like, "Wow, I can see why you're angry," or, "I can only imagine how that must have made you feel!" To offer help, try, "That sounds really frustrating. I'd be upset if I were you, too. How can I support you?" If you make an effort to understand him, you might even find that there's been a misunderstanding—which is hard to spot if you're solely focused on your own perspective.

Calm him with a gentle touch.

As a more physical sign, Aries takes comfort in being touched. Try to calm him by holding his hand or putting a hand on his knee while he talks. Sit or stand close to him, letting your legs or shoulders touch so he can feel you close to him. If it seems like he's open to it, you could even kiss him, although it's important not to cut him off by kissing him mid-thought. If he withdraws or pulls away from you, don't force the physical contact—he may need more time to calm down first.

Be patient with him.

He'll find it easier to talk when he's not being pushed or judged rashly. Let him have as much time as he needs to explain his feelings. Make sure he knows that you're not going anywhere, and you won't quickly dismiss him without letting him speak. Aries will love having a partner who can patiently withstand his many moods, and knowing he has your support will instantly relieve some of his anger. "I'm not blaming you for anything or judging the situation. I'm here to listen patiently." "We don't have to rush anything. There's plenty of time to resolve things, and your concerns are valid."

Apologize if necessary.

Aries forgives easily, so long as your apology is genuine. Because his anger is strong but brief, he's only prone to holding grudges if he never gets an apology. So if you're in the wrong—though it may be hard to admit it—offering a heartfelt apology is the best way to appease an Aries guy. Use sincere body language, like making steady eye contact with him when you make your apology. For example, "I'm sorry that I was late to our date night. I know you felt like I wasn't respecting our time together, and that wasn't my intention. I plan to be on time in the future because I want you to know how much I care." "I'm sorry I broke your favorite mug—I know how important it was to you. What can I do to help fix this?"

Forgive him.

Your Aries may say something hurtful when he's angry. If he got so angry about something that he upset you, he might be the one who owes an apology. Thankfully, Aries is sensitive enough (after he calms down) that he can recognize his own mistakes. Try to accept his sincere apology when he offers it—although you're never obligated to! Aries loves to be right, so recognize that it took a lot for him to admit he was in the wrong. He'll appreciate you all the more for it. Forgiveness isn't always easy, but holding on to resentment will hurt your relationship and drain your energy.

Let it go.

Show him you're ready to move forward when apologies are over. There's no need to keep bringing up old wounds or disagreements after you've found a resolution, and doing so will only upset you all over again. Aries is quick to let hurt feelings go once his anger blows over, and he'll be glad to know that you can operate the same way. Forgive, forget, move on, and enjoy a happier future!

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