How to Juice a Lime
How to Juice a Lime
Lime juice makes an excellent addition to many recipes. However, it can be frustrating to squeeze a lime repeatedly and only extract a tiny amount of juice! Luckily, there are several things you can try to get the most juice out of a lime with only a little bit of effort. Store your limes in the fridge, then microwave them for 15 seconds and roll them on the counter before juicing them. Cut the lime strategically, then juice it by hand or use a citrus juicer. Happy juicing!

Juicing by Hand

Cut up the lime. Make a lengthwise cut through the lime just to the side of the stem. Set the smaller piece aside. Lay the larger piece on its rind and make another lengthwise cut through the lime just to the side of the stem. Repeat on the opposite side, then flip the lime a quarter turn and make another lengthwise cut through the lime just to the side of the stem. You should have one rectangular core piece and four oval-ish pieces of lime. To prevent accidents, practice safe knife skills in the kitchen.

Squeeze the oval pieces over a small bowl. Hold a piece of lime over a small bowl and use your fingers to squeeze the rind to extract the juice from the flesh. Repeat on the other three cut pieces of lime. The juice should run down into the bowl, rather than squirting sideways, due to the strategic way you cut up the lime.

Twist the core to extract the juice. After squeezing the juice out of the cut pieces of lime, move on to the core. Hold the core lengthwise over the bowl by each green end. Twist the core, like you would wring a wet rag, until all the juice comes out.

Using a Citrus Juicer

Cut the lime. First, cut the lime in half. Then, cut a small piece of the rind off, opposite the already-cut side, on both lime halves. This way, you will get juice from both sides of the lime, rather than having one side covered by the rind. Use safe knife skills in the kitchen to prevent accidents. Using a citrus juicer can help you extract the most lime juice.

Put the lime pieces in the juicer and squeeze. Place the lime in the juicer with the rind side down. Squeeze the juicer over a small bowl until no more lime juice comes out. Repeat using the other half of the lime.

Use a pair of tongs in place of a citrus juicer. Cut a lime in half and hold one half in one hand over a small bowl. Hold your kitchen tongs closed and press them into the cut side of the lime. Simply twist them to extract the juice.

Getting the Most Juice out of a Lime

Store limes in the fridge. Leaving a lime out on the counter hardens the rind and dries out the flesh. Instead, place your limes in an unsealed plastic bag and store them in the crisping drawer of your refrigerator. Remove the limes from the fridge an hour or two before juicing to allow them to come to room temperature.

Microwave the lime for 15 seconds. Place your lime in the microwave and heat it for 15 seconds. Heating the fruit helps release its juices so you need only a small amount of effort to extract them.

Roll the lime on the counter. Before juicing your lime, soften it up by placing your palm on it and rolling it on a countertop. This separates the individual segments inside the lime, giving you more juice.

Twist a fork into the lime segments. Once you’ve cut and squeezed a piece of lime, twist a fork or spoon into it. This helps to break up the lime segments and get out any remaining juice.

Use the lime juice. You can now make limeade or key lime pie, or even use the lime juice for ceviche or as a marinade. Or, simply drizzle lime juice over the top of your dish for a fresh and acidic addition.

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