How to Make a Liquid Suspension with Ground Pills
How to Make a Liquid Suspension with Ground Pills
For those who can't swallow pills, some medications can be turned into a liquid suspension. This can make it much easier to swallow the medication and still get the relief or treatment you need. Read on to learn what to do.

Check with your doctor or pharmacist.

Not all medications will work if they're crushed or put in a suspension. Therefore, checking whether this approach is effective for the specific pill you're taking is essential.

Find a small cup.

You can use a teacup or a tumbler. If you use a teacup, use a tough Chinese style. Otherwise use a plastic tumbler.

Have a pill crusher on hand.

Any pill crusher will work. If you're not sure what to get, you can ask your pharmacist: they sell pill crushers, sometimes even at the grocery store.

Buy a safe sweetener like Equal or Sweet-N-Low.

Sugar is not recommended. Secondly, it is important to also use a liquid sweetener such as blue agave syrup or monk-fruit liquid sweetener. They are easy to get at the grocery store.

Gather your stirring tools.

Get a tiny whisk or spoon, as well as a chopstick, for stirring. Some people use a battery-powered latte mixer but they are too violent and messy.

Fill your cup with water.

Once you have your cup with water, add some sweetener to it. Crush your pills thoroughly and add the crushed medication.

Stir this well.

Don't worry about residue. Many medications are not water soluble, which means they won't dissolve in the water. This is why you need to crush the medication thoroughly.

Add the liquid sweetener.

This gives a better taste but it is more important as a "binder." Pharmacists call it "the vehicle". It helps bind the crushed medication in the same way medical syrup works. All you need to do now is stir thoroughly and then take your medicine.

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