Opening a Stubborn Jar of Talenti Gelato
Run warm water over the lid until it expands, then twist the lid off. If you can’t twist the gelato jar lid off by hand, Talenti recommends running the lid under hot water instead of pulling out sharp utensils or tools to break the lid off (it’s much safer and the lid will stay intact). The hot water causes the plastic lid to expand, while the cold gelato prevents the rest of the jar from expanding as well. Just run the hot water for a moment to let the water heat up, then place the jar under the faucet. Let the water hit the top of the lid as well as all around the rim where the lid meets the jar. The lid should loosen and twist off within about 30 seconds. Or, let your water run as hot as it can and fill up a bowl about 1 inch (2.5 cm) deep. Place the jar upside down in the water so the lid is submerged for about 30 seconds, then twist and remove the lid. Try to keep the hot water concentrated around the lid to avoid melting your delicious gelato!
More Jar-Opening Hacks
Rubber grip, rubber band, or microfiber cloth Adding some traction to your grip can make tough lids easier to open. To get a firmer grip, try wrapping a rubber gripper, rubber band, or microfiber cloth around the lid. The material will cling to the lid better than your hands and make it easier to budge open. If a dry cloth isn’t working, try getting it wet and wringing it out so it’s just damp. The wetness will help the fabric stick to the plastic lid.
Knife handle Find a butter knife (or other utensil) with a weighty handle and carefully grip it by the blade end. Then, whack the side of the lid in several spots around the perimeter (like at 12 o’clock, 3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and 9 o’clock). The whacks will help create air pockets that can break a vacuum seal or dislodge any gelato that got lodged in the lid and sealed it shut. If you don’t have a good utensil, just bang the side of the lid against the edge of a counter a few times for a similar effect. Other customers have found luck by turning the jar upside down and just banging the lid down on the counter several times. It may not be the best way to get it open, but it sure is cathartic!
The tennis ball trick Take an old tennis ball you don’t need to use anymore and cut it in half with sharp scissors, a sharp knife, or a utility knife. Take one half and press the hollow side onto the top of the lid. Squeeze the ball to grip the lid, then twist it to open the jar. The soft, rubbery material inside the tennis ball grips the lid tightly, while the fuzzy outside gives you a better grip, too. This makes for an easier twist than with your bare hands.
Flathead screwdriver Set the jar on a flat surface upside down so you can see where the lip of the jar threads into the lid. Grab a flathead screwdriver and press it into the crack between the jar and lid to force the two pieces apart and break any seal that’s making them stick. Work the screwdriver all the way around the lid to loosen it, then turn the jar rightside up and twist the lid off. Some customers have gotten similar results with a butter knife, but a screwdriver is safer, sturdier, and more effective. If you must use a tool to crack into your frozen treat right now, go with a screwdriver.
Why are Talenti gelato lids so tight?
Talenti says their lid-capping machine malfunctioned and twisted lids too tightly. If you scroll Talenti’s social media feeds, you’ll find years’ worth of replies from frustrated customers complaining about how difficult the lids are to remove. The issue became so common that Talenti eventually offered an official statement about it: “Our lid-capping machine experienced an issue that caused some lids to be particularly tight and we fixed the machine as soon as we found out about it. While there are still some tight lids out there, there will be fewer as new pints roll out. We apologize to our customers for this inconvenience and encourage them to contact our customer service team at talentigelato.com or 800-298-4020 if they have any concerns.” Others speculate whether overheating during production causes the lid to partially melt and fuse with the jar, while others wonder if storage conditions are so cold that the cap shrinks and tightens on the jar.
Will Talenti fix the problem?
Talenti said they fixed the issue in 2017, but customers are still struggling. Talenti says they fixed the way-too-enthusiastic lid-capping machine as soon as they found out customers were having trouble, but mentioned that some tight lids could still be on the market. However, customers continue to struggle with the occasional jar and are still posting various lid-opening hacks online. As of 2024, the brand is still issuing generic responses to complaints on social media like “Our team is working on a fix for some of our lids that are too tight” or “Please don't try to find alternate, and potentially unsafe, ways to get it open.”
Getting Free Replacement Gelato from Talenti
Contact Talenti directly and request a new jar if you can’t get the lid off. Rather than risk hurting your hands with sharp tools, Talenti has urged customers on social media to reach out to the company directly for a replacement jar of gelato. While this doesn’t help your immediate situation, it’s at least nice to know that Talenti is a good sport about the issue. To contact Talenti: Use the live chat feature on Talenti’s contact page. Send them a message through their email form. Call them at 800-298-4020. Send a message or reply to Talenti’s tweets on their X account.
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