How to Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating
How to Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating
Sheet metal is metal in the form of thin, flat pieces. It can be made from a variety of metals, including aluminum, steel, nickel, copper, tin, brass and titanium. Sheet metal can be painted for a variety of home decorating purposes like backsplashes, cabinets, frames, message boards and wall art. Because of its versatility, sheet metal can be painted to create pieces that complement the décor of any style home, from rustic to contemporary. Use these tips to paint sheet metal for home decorating.

Prepare the Sheet Metal

Texturize the surface of the sheet metal. Analyze the surface of the sheet metal. If the sheet metal is smooth to the touch, you will need to texturize it before painting. Create a rough surface on the sheet metal. Using high-grit sandpaper, emery cloth or steel wool, rub the surface of the sheet metal. This will allow the paint to adhere to the metal, as well as remove rust, if there is any. Create a light, even texture on the surface and avoid making deep grooves in the metal. To remove stubborn rust spots, use a drill with a circular wire brush attachment.

Clean the sheet metal. A clean surface will allow the paint to adhere better to the sheet metal and will create a more attractive finish. Spray the sheet metal with white vinegar and wipe it down with a clean rag. The vinegar's acidity will further abrade the sheet metal. Spray the metal with compressed air. This will remove any dust and dirt from the surface of the sheet metal.

Protect areas you don't want painted. If there are areas of the sheet metal that will not be painted, cover them with painter's tape or masking tape.

Paint the Sheet Metal

Choose a paint created specifically for metal. Choose an acrylic latex semi-gloss, a gloss enamel or an oil-based semi-gloss paint. Paints designed for use on metal will resist rust and will be more durable than traditional wall paints.

Apply paint with a brush or roller. Sheet metal paint is available in both spray paint and brush-on options. Both types of paint work well for home decorating purposes. Choose a brush or roller size appropriate for your sheet metal project. If the sheet metal is large, select a wide brush or roller; if the sheet metal is small, choose a smaller brush or roller. For best paint control, hold the brush at the base of the handle near the bristles.Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating Step 6Bullet1 Version 2.jpg Apply 2 coats of the paint, allowing the first coat to dry completely before applying the second coat.Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating Step 6Bullet2 Version 2.jpg

Spray paint the sheet metal as an alternative to painting with a brush. Shake the spray paint can vigorously for 1 or 2 minutes before painting the sheet metal.Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating Step 7Bullet1 Version 2.jpg Test the nozzle before applying paint to the sheet metal. Spray a small amount of paint on a newspaper or piece of cardboard to ensure the nozzle is working correctly and sprays paint evenly.Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating Step 7Bullet2 Version 2.jpg Apply spray paint to the sheet metal. Hold the spray paint can 12 to 24 inches (30.4 to 60.9 cm) from the surface. Spray in a quick, smooth and even pattern until the surface is covered. For best results, keep the can parallel to the sheet metal surface and spray in a back and forth motion over the surface.Paint Sheet Metal for Home Decorating Step 7Bullet3 Version 2.jpg

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