How to Start a Love Letter
How to Start a Love Letter
Ah, love. You’re head-over-heels for someone, and you’re ready to tell them exactly how you feel. Whether your love is a crush, a long-term partner, or someone in between, a love letter is the perfect way to sweep them off their feet.

Here are 12 tips to help you get started writing a love letter that really captures how you feel.

Use beautiful stationery for a romantic touch.[1] X Research source

You can use any paper to write a love letter, but nice stationery will make your letter look extra special. Choose stationery that reflects your style or that makes you think of your love. For instance, you might choose paper or a card that's your favorite color or that features symbols of love, like hearts or flowers. You can find stationery at department stores, stationery stores, office supply stores, bookstores, and online.

Decorate the letter with a drawing to add a personal touch.[2] X Research source

Make your letter extra special by doodling along the border. You could also create a drawing on the paper first, and then write your letter around it. Don't worry about your drawing being perfect. Just create something you think will impress your love. If you're not good at drawing, try gluing flower petals, photos of you and your love, or keepsake scraps, such as old movie tickets or handwritten notes, to the letter.

Write their first name in the greeting so it's personal.[3] X Research source

Your letter is personal, so refer to the person you love by name. Use a simple salutation, such as “Dear,” “For,” and “To.” Then, include their name or preferred nickname. You might write, “Dear Alexander,” “For Alex,” or “To A.”

Include a term of endearment in the greeting for added romance.[4] X Research source

Show your personal connection to the recipient by calling them a special name. Be as mushy as your partner likes. Use a pet nickname you already call them for an easy option. Alternatively, try a flowery term of endearment to create a romantic love letter vibe. You might use a greeting like, “Dear Beloved,” “To my heart,” “Oh, my darling,” or “Mi Amor.”

Tailor your letter to fit the recipient’s personality.[5] X Research source

Consider what your recipient likes and enjoys when you’re crafting your letter. For instance, decide if they like things that are more sentimental or more humorous. Write your letter with them in mind so it feels more personal to them. Let’s say your love is very sentimental. You might focus on memories with them and take a serious tone. You could write things like, “As I watched you on the beach yesterday, all I could think about is how lucky I am. You’ve changed my life for the better, and I’ll be forever grateful.” If your love is more lighthearted and funny, you might try a fun, upbeat tone and recount funny moments together or inside jokes. You could write, “I still remember that time we ate pizza off the floor because we were too lazy to make another one. You compl-eat me.”

Explain why you’re writing the letter for an easy opening.[6] X Research source

Writing those first few lines is hard, so don’t sweat it if you’re having trouble. One easy way to begin your letter is to give a reason why you’re writing it. In a sentence or 2, tell your recipient what made you decide to write a love letter today. Say, “I’ve been thinking about you a lot today, and I wanted to tell you how I feel,” “Ever since the night we first met, I just can’t stop thinking about you,” or “I know you’re the one for me, and it’s time I told you that.”

Recount a memory if you’ve been with the person for a while.[7] X Research source

Instead of telling a long-term partner why you’re writing them, you might just describe a special memory you had with them. It might be the first time you met, the moment you knew you were in love, or a time you felt really close to them. Or, it might be a very simple moment that really touched your heart, but you never told them about. Summarize your memory in 2-3 sentences to start off your letter. You could write something like, “On the night of our first anniversary, you surprised me with a candlelit dinner you made yourself. Enjoying your handmade meal made me feel more loved than any fancy restaurant ever could. In that moment, I knew no one ever loved me like you do.”

Start with a quote if you’re struggling with what to write.[8] X Research source

Expressing how you feel is super hard, so don’t worry if you can’t think of anything to say. Once you start writing, it’ll likely be easier to share your feelings. To get your letter going, try using a quote about love that makes you think of your partner. Here are some great options you might consider using: “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” - John Green “One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love.” - Sophocles “When you love someone, you love the whole person, just as he or she is, and not as you would like them to be.” - Leo Tolstoy “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.” - Albert Einstein “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” - Aristotle

Give specific details so your love letter is more meaningful.[9] X Research source

Don’t just list vague adjectives to describe your loved one or general things that could apply to anyone. Describe their qualities that make them special to you and touch your heart; it can be tender, cute, or even quirky things about them. Provide details and specific moments so your letter is more personal. This will make your recipient feel extra special. For instance, you might be tempted to write things like, “You’re amazing, smart, beautiful, and fun to be around.” These things are nice, but they’re pretty generic. Instead, you could write, “I’ve never met someone who can bake as well as you do,” “You tell the wittiest jokes,” or “I could stare into your eyes all day.” Similarly, don’t just say, “I like spending time with you.” Instead, say, “Whether we’re hiking trails, listening to new music, or crashing in front of the TV, every moment with you is exciting.”

Stay positive so the person feels loved and appreciated.[10] X Research source

Make your love feel extra special by telling them all the wonderful things you love about them. This isn’t the time to point out your problems or discuss how you want your relationship to improve in the future. Stick to happy, positive memories and anecdotes so your recipient feels loved. Write things like, “Every day with you is a gift,” “On the day I met you, I knew I’d fall hard for you,” or “I’m amazed by your smile, your laugh, and your pure heart.” Let the person know how their love has changed your life for the better, and how they make you feel when you are with them< Leave out stuff like, “I know we have our problems,” “One day we’ll be the couple we want to be,” or “I might get annoyed with you sometimes, but I know deep down you’re the right person for me.”

Try expressing your feelings in a love poem.[11] X Research source

A love poem can make anyone swoon! Let your feelings inspire you, write about an experience you had with your partner or crush, or compare your love to something special. Don't worry about format or rhyming. Just write what comes from your heart. For instance, you might write about your first date or how your heart beats faster when they're around. Similarly, you might compare them to something like a cleansing rain that made you feel anew, sunlight that helped you blossom, or arms that lifted you up.

Fold your letter into a unique shape for a creative delivery.[12] X Research source

It's okay to use a regular envelope, but why not try something unique? Turn your letter into its own envelope. As another option, try a cute origami fold to really impress your love. This will make your letter feel extra special to the recipient. For instance, you might fold your letter into a paper heart. You could also try delivering the letter as a message in a bottle for a unique delivery.

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