How to Thumb Wrestle
How to Thumb Wrestle
Thumb wrestling is an intense (and fun) way to flex your hand-eye coordination skills while passing the time. If you’re curious about the rules of this ancient form of combat, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll cover everything you know about winning a thumb war.

Prepare the wrestling position.

Lock hands with your opponent and stick your thumbs up. Both players should place their thumbs in mid-air so that they’re facing one another. With the right hand fingertips, grab your opponent's right hand fingertips and clasp tight together.

Point your thumbs at one another.

Some players like to stick their thumb pads against one another. Start each game politely by showing respect for your opponent with this pre-combat ceremony. Yes, it's silly but it reflects the amusing nature of this bloodsport. The bows traditionally follow the cadence of the verse "One, two, three, four / I declare a thumb war!" and occasionally "Five, six, seven, eight / Try to keep your thumb straight!"

Start grappling.

Try to pin your opponent’s thumb down while keeping yours up. Try to catch one another's thumbs. It sounds easier than it is! Once the wriggling and giggling commences, the game is up for anyone! It helps if you lie your thumb down and then go around you opponents thumb when they swoop down to press down Use your thumb to your advantage

Play until there’s a winner.

The game ends once someone pins the other player’s thumb. The only way to win in this game is to pin down the opponent's thumb for a set count. A count of 4, at the same pace as counting seconds, is ideal. Any less is usually too easy. Another option is to follow the cadence of the verse "One, two, three, four / I win the thumb war!"

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