How to Understand
How to Understand
It’s a part of reality that some things are more difficult to understand than others. Tackling a subject or question that you can’t seem to wrap your mind around can be hard sometimes. Luckily, even very complex concepts can be understood if you work at them. By being honest with yourself and implementing various problem-solving strategies, you can make it easier for yourself to understand a variety of different things.[1]
Expert Source

Sean Alexander, MSAcademic Tutor

Expert Interview. 14 May 2020.

Getting More Information

Ask yourself what it is that you don’t understand. You’ll want to pinpoint what it is that you don’t understand so that it will be easier for you to address the root of your confusion. Ask yourself what specifically confuses you about the issue and try to narrow down where in your thought process the misunderstanding is occurring. For example, if you’re confused about how a compass works, ask yourself what aspect of the compass confuses you: the needle’s spinning, the earth’s magnetic field, or how that magnetic field causes the needle to move in a certain direction. You might ask questions that align with the 5 W’s: who, what, when, where, and why (e.g., when in this multi-step process does something happen that confuses me?).

Be willing to ask for help. It’s important to recognize that there are some things you may not be able to understand on your own. In that case, be willing to ask for help from someone with more expertise or simply with a different perspective. If you’re embarrassed about asking for help, remind yourself that it’s probably more important that you fully understand something than it is to be entirely independent. Remember, everybody asks for help at some point in their lives! Being humble about what you know and don’t know will also help motivate you to learn new things and will keep you motivated when you run into difficulties. Admitting that you might be wrong may be difficult at first. If you have trouble with this, start by asking someone you trust (e.g., a close friend) to help you identify areas where you might be mistaken.

Write down the things you do understand about the topic at hand. You may find it helpful to write out the things you DO understand about the problem and use this to better identify where the gaps are in your understanding. Writing these things down will also take them off your mind and allow you to concentrate on the things you DON’T understand. Noting the things you understand is also a good way to remind yourself that you don’t completely misunderstand the subject. Use this method to motivate you when you doubt your own capabilities!

Working to Better Understand Something

Take time to think about what you don’t understand. If you think about what is happening and what has happened, you should be able to work most issues out quickly and easily. When you find yourself confused, stop and give yourself 30-50 minutes to think through and ponder the question until you come up with an answer. In most cases, when given all the necessary information, your natural human intellect should be able to understand even the most complex of ideas, given enough time. If you can’t come to understand something after an hour of thinking, you should probably consider reaching out to someone for help.

Write down your thoughts as you think through your question. As you think about what you don’t understand, your brain will be processing a number of different ideas and making lots of new connections. Write these ideas and connections down as you go to force yourself to articulate them in ways that are easier to understand. Write down your thoughts by hand instead of with a laptop. You’re generally better able to identify important concepts this way.

Approach the question from multiple perspectives to get a fresh look at it. If you’re stumped by a problem, an issue, or a tricky concept, it may be helpful to change your focus or how you’re looking at it and see if you’re better able to understand it from a different perspective. For example, if you’re having trouble understanding a scientific process by reading about it, consider adopting a kinesthetic learning method and studying the process through a physical experiment. You can also change the environment that you’re in to try and change how you think about a problem. Consider going for a walk, relocating to a different learning area, or simply turning on more lights around you to refresh your brain.

Break down what you don’t understand into smaller components. It’s always easier to learn or understand simple ideas and concepts than it is to understand grand theories and schemes. Break down whatever you’re having trouble understanding into its smaller components and work on understanding one component at a time. For example, if you’re having trouble understanding how a certain machine (e.g., a car) works, try breaking it down into smaller components and learning how each of those works (e.g., the carburetor, the transmission, etc.). This will also help you to not feel overwhelmed by whatever you’re misunderstanding.

Try teaching the issue to someone else. If you’re misunderstanding something because you don’t have a solid grasp of the finer details, consider trying to teach the subject to another person. This will force you to explain every aspect of the subject and may help you to get a clearer picture of how it works. If you approach a problem for the purpose of explaining it to someone else, your brain will engage in more effective learning strategies and focus on organizing the most important elements into a coherent structure. If you find you’re unable to teach something due to your own misunderstanding, this method may also help you to zero in on what exactly you don’t understand and help you think through it more effectively.

Increasing Your Capacity for Understanding

Learn something new every day. No matter how much you know or understand about the world, there’s always something more to be learned. Be open to continuing your education each day to increase your knowledge and maintain a willingness to develop new understandings. Consistently learning new things will not only lead to you knowing more and more things, but will also continually remind you of how much you don’t yet know. This will keep you motivated to continue your daily education.

Meditate daily to develop inner awareness. Meditation allows you to examine the inner workings of your mind without reacting to it. It’s thus a great way to learn more about how your mind reacts to new information and how you can be more open to novel ideas and experiences. For example, through meditation, you may be better able to identify your “inner critic” and how self-doubt keeps you from reaching your full intellectual potential.

Get enough sleep and exercise daily. Studies have shown that getting regular physical exercise and staying well-rested have significant impacts on people’s ability to take in new information. Keep your body in good physical condition to keep your mind in similarly good condition. You should aim to get 8 to 9 hours of sleep each night and to exercise at a moderate intensity for 30 minutes 5 times a week.

Keep an open, imaginative mind. You won’t be able to understand new ideas or complex concepts if you’re not willing to expand your horizons. Keep your mind open to new problem-solving techniques, new brainstorming skills, and new ways of looking at the world. If you’re unsure how to make your mind “more open,” consider changing up an established part of your normal work routine or reading a book that challenges one of the ways you think about a certain subject.

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