How to Use the Alt Button
How to Use the Alt Button
If you've ever looked at your ALT key and wondered what it was for, this guide is for you! We'll show you cool functions and shortcuts to try with this handy key.

Using just the Alt key, see for yourself how it switches between the above Task Bar and your internet browser's current page.

Open Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer Now press the Alt Key and notice how "File" has been selected.Use the Alt Button Step 2Bullet1.jpg You can now use the arrow keys on your keyboard to maneuver through the task menu instead of a mouse. Pressing enter with select the highlighted option.Use the Alt Button Step 2Bullet2.jpg

Press the Alt key again, and keyboard control will return to the web page (allowing you to scroll with the arrow keys, for example).

Used in combination with other keys, the alt key can type characters not available on the keyboard, or alter the functionality of another key. Hold down Alt, type 12 on the Number Pad (make sure number lock is OFF), and let go of Alt. In most text input boxes this will generate the female symbol.Use the Alt Button Step 4Bullet1.jpg Alt + 11 generates the male symbol.Use the Alt Button Step 4Bullet2.jpg Alt + 13 generates a musical note. Experiment with different numbers and see what you come up with, or use the Character Map (Windows OS) to check what the alt code for a certain character is.Use the Alt Button Step 4Bullet3.jpg

Other commonly used combinations that include the alt key: Alt + Tab (shuffles between windows that are on your "Start Bar"), Alt + Left Arrow (goes to the last internet page you visited), Alt + Home Key (Returns to your home page).

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