How to Wander the School or Skip Class Without Getting Caught
How to Wander the School or Skip Class Without Getting Caught
One of the most important lessons you’ll never learn in school is how to skip class without getting caught. Skipping school is a rite of passage, and one that every student either attempts or considers attempting. To successfully skip class without getting caught, you’ll need to be crafty and patient, but the results are sure to be worth your while.

Planning Your Skip

Learn the system. How does your school record absences? Do they call attendance in each class? If you have a teacher who regularly forgets to record attendance, you’ll have an easier time skipping their class than a class where the teacher has meticulous records. Depending on the number of absences you’ve already accumulated, your school might not even care if you skip. If you’re a known skipper with many absences already stacked against you, proceed with caution.

Hatch a plan. Decide which class or classes you’ll be skipping. Plan where you will go to hide out. If you have access to hall passes, stock up on a few of these, as they may come in handy when wandering the halls. Note where the cameras are in your school. If possible, avoid walking past them when you are supposed to be in class. Do not skip classes where you have significant tests or projects due, as this only increases your chances of getting caught. If you’re skipping class to avoid having to turn in a project or take a test, you might be better off faking sick and not going to school at all. For tips on faking sick, check out this article.

Prepare an excuse. In the event that everything goes awry, you’ll need a credible excuse to fall back on. It doesn’t matter what your excuse is, as long as it’s believable and you’re committed to the lie. If you’re a bad liar, keep the excuse as simple as possible. The best lies have elements of truth in them, so include truthful specifics in your falsehoods to make them easier to swallow. Don't use the dead relative excuse or the family emergency excuse, those excuses should be hinted weeks in advance, if you are planning your skip later. You could say that you were looking for something you lost if you absolutely need an excuse. If asked what you lost, say a key or a flash drive.

Executing the Skip

Move with confidence. No matter what you’re doing, people are more inclined to trust and believe you if you act confidently. Be aware of your body language; walk tall with your head held up. Assuming an authoritative stance will make it easier for you to get out class undetected.

Make eye contact. If you pass someone in the hall during your skip, make sure to look them in the eye. Avoiding their gaze makes you appear suspicious and like you have something to hide (which you do.) Looking them in the eye puts them at ease and makes you appear trustworthy.

Don’t dawdle. Wandering the halls or stopping to chat with friends only prolongs your escape and increases your chances of getting caught and sent back to class. Stick to your escape plan and remain focused during the entire execution.

Avoiding Capture

Be discreet. Do not hide somewhere obvious or somewhere teachers expect students to hide, like the cafeteria. Some schools have a music wing with practice rooms, which can be a good, safe and quiet option. Avoid highly populated areas or spaces that are out in the open.

Utilize bathrooms. If you’re not planning on skipping the entire day, consider hanging out in a restroom. As long as you don’t draw attention to yourself, you should be able to stay there for a period or two without notice. If someone enters the bathroom, keep your feet out of sight to avoid detection. Switch stalls every so often, just in case someone is monitoring bathrooms to ensure no one is hiding inside. Bring activities to keep your mind occupied (like a phone or a book) but make sure they are quiet and do not arouse suspicion amongst other bathroom goers.

Keep your mouth shut. Talking about your successful skip day increases your chances of getting caught. If nobody knows you skipped school, nobody can rat you out. Refrain from bragging about your exploits; you don’t know who might be listening.

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