How to Write a Management Philosophy
How to Write a Management Philosophy
A management philosophy expresses an individual's opinion on best management practices, and, as it differs greatly from one management professional to the next, can be an element of consideration during the hiring process. Writing a management philosophy can be a great way to communicate your work ethic to a potential employer and can function as a mission statement for yourself as to why you choose to perform your management duties the way you do. When you write your management philosophy, it's crucial to understand that it must be founded on theory and practical experience and communicated in a clear, yet engaging manner. The following steps will show you how to write a management philosophy.

Open the introduction to your management philosophy with a brief statement about what you consider to be best management practices. For example, you could state that your management philosophy is that a good manager thrives on his or her employees' feedback or that a manager must focus primarily on strategy implementation. Write down what you consider to be fundamental to a manager's proper and effective functioning within any organization.

Expand on your statement in the body of the text. Explain how you perceive the ideal relationship between a manager and his or her employees to be. Is it one of camaraderie and communication, or one of leadership and strategy? Define your role as a manager. This should be an ideal description of how you perceive yourself to be the most effective in an organization. Highlight how your talents support your management philosophy.

Describe which management strategies you adhere to and why. It's not only important to explain where you learned the strategy-which can allow you to touch upon your education but also how they proved effective in your personal experience. Provide examples of how these strategies helped you in professional situations and how they benefited the company. Use quotes from scholars and management authorities. Make sure all quotes are correct and choose authorities that are recognized in your field.

Conclude your management philosophy with a summary of your statement, the ideal relationship between manager and employees, your role and your view on management strategies. Tell the reader how your management philosophy helps guide you to your professional goals as a manager.

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