What does “over the hill” mean?
“Over the hill” is a metaphor that means someone is past their “prime.” There’s no set age that defines “over the hill,” but it refers to an age at which someone might be considered past their prime—usually around middle age.
How to Use “Over the Hill”
Say someone is “over the hill” to celebrate a milestone middle age birthday. When someone you know—like a parent or grandparent or friend—reaches a milestone birthday that solidifies them as middle age or older (like 40 or 50), congratulate them on being officially “over the hill.” Or even give them a birthday card that says so! While some people might take offense to being referred to as “old,” “over the hill” is typically used in a fun and casual way to acknowledge that someone is beyond their prime and to honor the years they’ve lived. Better over the hill than under it! Congrats, Lisa! You’re officially over the hill this year!
Call yourself “over the hill” to describe your lack of energy or vitality due to aging. “Over the hill” is a simple and playful way to explain that you’re not as fast or energetic as you once were. Next time someone invites you to do something you feel “too old” for (like staying out all night partying), tell them you’re over the hill. A midnight movie? Fellas, I’m over the hill. My bedtime is 9 p.m. Stay up and watch the sunrise? Ask me again 10 years ago—I’m too over the hill for that!
Describe yourself as “over the hill” when you don’t understand a gen-z reference. Aging doesn’t just mean you’re not as energetic as you used to be—it also means missing out on the jokes and culture of younger generations. Next time a 20-year-old tries to share a meme with you that you don’t get, tell them you’re over the hill. Skibbidi what now? Charles, I am over the hill. My nephew says I have something called “rizz.” I told him I’m over the hill and don’t know what that means.
“Over the Hill” Origins
“Over the hill” first appeared in England in the mid-1900s. The phrase’s exact origins are uncertain, but it refers to the idea of a climber or skier ascending a hill—symbolizing youth and growth—and pausing at the top before the final descent—symbolizing the decline that inevitably comes with age.
Common Signs of Aging
As we age, our mental and physical abilities tend to decline. Everyone ages, but our mental and physical faculties may decline at different rates—and, increasingly, thanks to advancements in medical technology, people are living and staying healthier longer than ever before. However, there are a number of common signs and symptoms of getting older. They include: Memory loss: You may lose memories or have difficulty remembering things. Fatigue: You may get tired more easily or have trouble staying awake late. Lower energy: You may not be able to participate in high-energy activities as easily as you used to. Physical weakness: Your physical strength may wane and you may become more susceptible to illness. Declining sexual desire: You may experience a dip in libido and physical energy.
How to Embrace Aging
Remain active. Declining physical energy and wellness is a common sign of aging, but you can minimize this symptom by remaining physically active, even if it’s tiring. Try to engage in daily exercise like walking or jogging. Being active can significantly reduce your risk of suffering from diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some forms of cancer, as well as improve your sleep quality. Moreover, being physically active and fit can help you maintain independence as you age. Regular exercise is essential to staying healthy, but try not to overexert yourself, and realize you may not always be able to enjoy strenuous physical activities or sports you may have enjoyed in your younger years.
Realize aging happens to everyone. Despite what ads and the media tell us about the latest anti-aging skincare craze or botox or how to get the perfect body “past your prime,” remember that aging isn’t a crime—in fact, it’s unavoidable! Try to ignore anti-aging messaging and embrace the beauty of getting older. Focus on feeling good rather than looking or acting younger, and remember that “age is just a number” at the end of the day. More and more celebrities are joining the aging gracefully revolution, including Pamela Anderson, Jameela Jamil, and Jamie Lee Curtis, who have all spoken out against the pressure to succumb to Hollywood’s unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards. In fact, research suggests that there’s a link between our perception of aging and our quality of life: people who embrace aging and take it in stride are more likely to stay healthy longer, while those with negative perceptions of aging are more susceptible to illness and poor health.
Surround yourself with loved ones. A solid support system is the key to a good and happy life, whether you’re 20 or 90. As you age, having friends and/or family to spend time with and rely on for physical and emotional support can help you embrace getting older and remember you’re not alone. Studies show that intergenerational friendships in particular can offer younger people mentorship and acceptance and older people a sense of purpose and renewed vitality.
How long does the average person live?
The average life expectancy in the United States is 77.5 years. On average, men and women in the U.S. live to be 77.5, as of 2022. For women specifically, the life expectancy is 80.2 years, and for men, it’s 74.8 years. Life expectancy in the U.S. has declined since 2019, likely due to the Covid-19 pandemic, increases in deaths from accidents and unintentional injuries, and drug overdose deaths, as well as an increase in heart disease, chronic liver and cirrhosis, and suicide. Worldwide, the average life expectancy is 71.4 years, as of 2021.
Other Ways to Say “Over the Hill”
There’s more than one way to say someone has gotten older. Try out these other fun idioms to describe someone as “over the hill.” (Just try to be sensitive and be aware that some people may take offense to being referred to in these ways!) Past your prime No spring chicken Long in the tooth Seen better days Advanced in years Up in years
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