Most Emotional Zodiac Signs
Most Emotional Zodiac Signs
Astrology can tell us a lot about people, including how they handle their emotions. Seeing which of the zodiac signs is the most (and least) emotional can give you insight into your friends, your family, and even yourself. In this article, we’ve ranked the signs from most emotional to least emotional so you can learn more about yourself and the people in your life.

Most Emotional Zodiacs

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Cancers are very in tune with their own emotions and the emotions of others, meaning they have very high emotional intelligence. They’re great at reading a room, and they can always pick up on someone else’s vibes (whether they’re good or bad). Their emotional nature can work against them if they aren’t careful, since getting wrapped up in other people’s emotions can be exhausting over time. Element: Water Ruling planet: Moon Symbol: Crab

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) Pisces are very in tune with their own creativity, and they tend to feel emotions very deeply. They're one of the most sensitive zodiac signs out there. Their sweet, caring nature makes them a great friend to have, but it can also make them get upset on other people’s behalf fairly often. Element: Water Ruling planet: Neptune Symbol: Fish

Leo (July 23 – August 22) Leos are very connected to the heart, both physically and emotionally. Their competitive nature makes them a great teammate, and they tend to take heartbreak and negative emotions pretty hard. Element: Fire Ruling planet: Sun Symbol: Lion

Aries (March 21 – April 19) Often thought of as one of the most emotional zodiac signs, Aries tend to wear their emotions on their sleeves. You’ll always know if an Aries is upset, because they aren’t afraid to speak their mind. However, they also tend to work through their negative emotions fairly quickly. Element: Fire Ruling planet: Mars Symbol: Ram

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) Scorpios take everything very personally, and they don’t do well with surface-level conversations (or people). While they tend to feel their emotions very deeply, they often have trouble expressing themselves, which can make them feel a little lonely or isolated at times. Element: Water Ruling planet: Pluto and Mars Symbol: Scorpion

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) You may not think of Taurus as an emotional sign, because they’re generally pretty level-headed. While this sign doesn’t like to talk about their emotions, they’re very in tune with their feelings, even if they don’t say it. Since they enjoy the finer things in life, a Taurus will often be upset about encountering imperfect or inadequate things. They’re usually considered one of the strongest zodiac signs, at least in terms of emotions. Element: Earth Ruling planet: Venus Symbol: Bull

Least Emotional Zodiacs

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) Aquarians tend to be the least emotional of all the zodiacs. While they absolutely experience emotions, they tend to take a step back and view them through a different lens. Even-keeled and steadfast, you’ll never catch this sign crying or talking about what they’re going through. Element: Air Ruling planet: Uranus Symbol: The Water Bearer

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) Capricorns are too wrapped up in their own goals to waste time on emotions. While they definitely feel their own feelings, they see expressing them as a waste of time. They are often poised and professional, which makes them great public figures. Element: Earth Ruling planet: Saturn Symbol: Sea Goat

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Geminis are friendly and social, and generally don’t let their emotions get in the way of that. They’re the masters of forgiving and forgetting, and you’ll never see them holding a grudge. Element: Air Ruling planet: Mercury Symbol: The Twins

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) Sagittariuses are generally happy, pleasant people, and they don’t let negative emotions get them down. They tend to always look on the bright side of things, so while they might get bummed every once in a while, they’re great at pulling themselves out of a funk. Element: Fire Ruling planet: Jupiter Symbol: Archer

Libra (September 23 – October 22) Libras tend to match the emotions of others instead of talking about their own. They’re great at reading a room, and while they do feel their own feelings, they don’t like to make a big fuss about them. Libras will keep the peace no matter what, even if it means burying their own emotions down deep. Element: Air Ruling planet: Venus Symbol: Scales

Virgo (August 23 – September 22) While they do feel emotions pretty intensely, Virgos are masters at understanding their own emotions and working through them. They can almost always turn a bad situation into a learning opportunity, meaning they won’t wallow in negative emotions for very long. Element: Earth Ruling planet: Mercury Symbol: The Virgin If you want to learn astrology, find a reputable teacher. There is a lot of subjectivity, so you cannot learn it from a book. You need to have a lot of knowledge to be able to read a Vedic chart. Even the most experienced Vedic astrologers choose to have their charts read by a professional or astrologers because it's hard to be objective with your own chart.

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