Peacocking: What It Is & How to Do It
Peacocking: What It Is & How to Do It
You’re hanging out with your girl friends when a guy comes up to you and starts flirting. When he finally leaves, a friend says with a laugh, “Can he peacock any harder?” Peacock? Nope, your friend hasn’t just seen a bird—she saw a confident flirt! Peacocking is a slang term used to describe a man or woman who makes an extra effort to attract someone. This might involve putting on a more flattering outfit or lifting heavier weights at the gym. So, if that guy could do it, can you? Keep on reading to learn what peacocking is all about and how anyone (even girls!) can peacock and capture anyone’s attention.
Peacocking Meaning

What is peacocking?

Peacocking is when you deliberately try to impress someone romantically. This social behavior is most prevalent in men trying to attract women, but it can happen in all types of partnerships. When people peacock, they purposely make themselves appear more desirable or attractive. They may elevate their style or show off their special skills. In other words, they’re trying to impress. Peacocking can be sexual or not—it all depends! Someone may peacock to score a one-night stand or get someone’s number. The term “peacocking” comes from the mating behavior of male peacocks spreading their feathers to attract a female peacock.

Is peacocking different in men and women?

Peacocking isn’t much different in men and women. Men and women can both peacock similarly: puffing out the chest, sucking in the stomach, lifting weights, wearing nice clothing, etc. Gender doesn’t matter when it comes to this dating technique. Some may argue that men peacock more than women; however, there’s no scientific or behavioral proof that this is always the case.

Examples of Peacocking

Women and men both peacock in similar ways—the behavior isn’t gender specific. Peacocking is essentially exaggerated flirting, as the goal is to get a potential match, date, or hookup’s attention. Here are some of the most common signs and examples of peacocking seen from women and men: Standing tall or confident posture Taking up space (i.e., moving closer, making large gestures) Acting courageous or chivalrous Laughing or talking loudly Making prolonged eye contact Wearing flattering or eye-catching clothing Showcasing a talent (i.e., lifting heavy weights, playing an instrument, singing) Posting “thirst traps” or sexy pictures online Discussing accolades or accomplishments proudly

How to Peacock

Wear stylish and flashy clothing. To peacock successfully, you must wear something to capture someone else’s attention. So, wear whatever you feel confident and proud in! Maybe that’s colored jeans, a vibrant printed shirt, or a snazzy hat. When in doubt, opt for a statement piece that starts a conversation. This can help people to approach and compliment you.

Have a confident attitude. The most important part of peacocking? Attitude. When trying to show off or attract someone, the best accessory you can have is confidence. Hold your head high, keep your shoulders back, make eye contact, and waltz into any room like you own it. Build confidence by being kind to yourself and challenging negative thoughts. Try saying self-affirming affirmations to yourself in the mirror, like “I am strong” and “I believe in myself.”

Show off your talents. Peacocking is all about flaunting your stuff and proving that you’ve got what it takes. So, don’t hesitate to do another rep at the gym, hit that high note, or sway those hips. The best way to peacock? Pretend like there’s always someone watching you want to impress.

Do some inner reflection. While it may seem silly, focusing on your inner self can make it easier to peacock. Take a moment to ask yourself, “What do I hope to gain from this?” Maybe you want to attract a potential partner or appear more confident. Either way, if you know your motives, you can approach situations with more confidence. Try journaling to come to peace with your thoughts and get to know yourself better. Meditate to unlock your true potential and find peace within yourself.

Be aware of boundaries. While peacocking is a flashy act, it isn’t about being outrageous or inappropriate. Stay cautious of your boundaries and others. If someone asks you to stop, stop. If you feel uncomfortable doing something, stop. Listen to yourself and your surroundings. At the end of the day, do what’s best for you and craft a welcoming, comforting environment you can be proud of.

Is peacocking bad?

Peacock has the potential to become bad. The act of peacocking isn’t inherently bad; however, doing too much of it could be abrasive, arrogant, or toxic, especially if two people are trying to out-peacock the other. This can lead to competition and, in turn, arguments and disagreements. At the end of the day, there’s nothing wrong with peacocking as long as you stay true to yourself, avoid being arrogant, and respect people’s boundaries. Similarly, some may think peacocking or showing off is distracting or annoying—just keep in mind that this is a matter of personal opinion.

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