What does “torta” mean?
Torta is Spanish slang that describes an overweight Hispanic woman. The term is popular on TikTok, often being used in a derogatory way. However, some users have reclaimed it and added a positive spin. On June 28, 2024, TikTok user @lovelystarr_ posted a video of herself with the Torta hashtag and the caption reading “Body positivity ????????.” This meaning stems from the torta food, which is a breaded sandwich with various meats, cheeses, sauces, and veggies. Torta directly translates to cake. Torta can be used as a term of affection if you’re with a large woman, but you run the risk of objectifying a woman because of her body type. Torta is also a way to refer to lesbians. This meaning is common in Argentina and is sometimes used in a derogatory way.
Is torta offensive?
Yes, calling someone a torta can be offensive. Depending on the context it’s used in, torta can offend people who are heavyset, as the term singles them out based on their weight and compares them to a large sandwich. If you decide to use torta as a term of affection or endearment, be very careful. You might end up hurting someone’s feelings. Despite its offensive connotation, some TikTok users have reclaimed the term. On February 5, 2024, user @sandritamrev posted a video saying “When someone calls you a torta on here like it’s some type of insult, have they ever had one? They’re, like, the best!”
How People Use Torta Online
Online users use torta as a derogatory way to describe large women. Some TikTok users use the phrase in skits to make fun of large women. On May 11, 2024, TikTok user @supreme_mando posted a video with the caption “POV-When she’s a torta.” In the video, he routinely insulted a woman’s weight by saying things like “Besides eating, what do you like to do for fun?”
Origin of Torta as Slang
The slang torta comes from the sandwich of the same name. Since a torta is a type of sandwich, Mexican Americans have used the term to refer to large women, going back to the ‘90s. In fact, the first recorded use of torta as a slang term was in 1995.
Other Derogatory TikTok Terms
Big back Big back is another derogatory term that is used to describe heavier people. It is popular on TikTok, with users using the phrase in moments where someone eats a lot of food, which they would refer to as “big back activities.”
Zesty Zesty is used on TikTok to describe someone who is acting feminine. It is often used in a homophobic context, as people use it to make gay men the butt of the joke.
Bop The word bop is a misogynistic term that’s used to refer to a woman that someone deems as promiscuous. The term is often used to slut-shame women.
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