Working Out When You Have Bad Knees: Great Exercises That Will Help You Lose Weight
Working Out When You Have Bad Knees: Great Exercises That Will Help You Lose Weight
If you're trying to lose weight, you know you need to exercise—but that can be tough when your knees are acting up. The good news is that whether your knee problems are related to arthritis, injury, or another issue, there are still activities you can do that will help you burn some calories. To help you out, we've put together a list of the best low-impact exercises you can do if you want to lose weight without hurting your knees in the process. Let's get moving!This article is based on an interview with our board-certified rheumatologist, Zheni Stavre. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • Do low-impact cardio exercises, such as walking or swimming, at least 30 minutes a day 5 or 6 days a week to help lose weight.
  • Use bodyweight exercises such as squats to build strength in your quadriceps and hamstrings, which support your knees.
  • Try stretching exercises such as yoga or pilates to improve your flexibility and range of motion.
  • Avoid high-impact, high-intensity exercises, such as running or jumping, that will only make your knees worse.


Walking is a low-impact exercise that you can do anywhere. Start by walking for 20-30 minutes a day at a relatively slow pace—you can pick up the pace as you get more accustomed to the activity. While you want to avoid jogging or running, walking actually helps lubricate your joints, especially your knees, so it can decrease pain and stiffness over time. Walk on level surfaces that will absorb some of the impact on your joints, such as grass or a track. Avoid concrete at all costs!

Water aerobics

Try water aerobics to burn calories and boost your range of motion. You don't have to be a great swimmer to do water aerobics and you'll get some of the same benefits as you would from aerobics in a gym. The buoyancy of the water keeps this exercise very low-impact, with the water also providing resistance for a killer workout. If your local fitness or community center has a pool, they likely also offer water aerobics classes. Find a beginner's class that works with your schedule and jump right in!


Go swimming for a low-impact full-body workout. If you're a decent swimmer and have a pool nearby, why not swim laps? Swimming is about as low-impact as you can get and the various kicks put your knees through their full range of motion. Since swimming is a full-body cardiovascular sport, you can burn some serious calories just by swimming for 20 or 30 minutes a day.


Get your knees moving on a stationary bicycle. The nice thing about cycling is that it takes your knee through a full range of motion. This can be critical if you're recovering from an injury and want to get your knee back as good as it was. But regardless of the reason your knees are bad, you'll definitely get some benefit (and burn some calories) if you hop on a bike. You might even try taking a spin class at a local gym. They tend to be a little more high-intensity, but you can go at your own pace at first and work your way up to it. Biking outdoors can put a little more strain on your knees than the stationary bicycle would. If you're dead-set on going out, try a short distance first to see how your knees do.


Use the rowing machine to build your upper body and core. When you're rowing, your upper body is doing a lot of the work, but make no mistake—this is a full-body workout that you'll definitely be feeling the next morning. At the same time, even though you're moving your knees, you're not putting any weight on them, so they shouldn't cause you any problems.


Use yoga blocks and blankets for a knee-friendly yoga routine. Yoga does wonders for your mental and physical health and can really improve the range of motion in your joints. But with bad knees, a lot of kneeling and lunges can be painful. Luckily, all yoga poses can be modified to work with your body rather than against it. For example, if you have knee pain while kneeling, you might spread your knees apart a little wider—more than shoulder-width apart—and see if that helps. If you're going to a yoga class, let the instructor know about your knees—they'll help you find modifications that will allow you to keep the pace. You can also find free videos on YouTube if you want to do yoga at home. Look for routines that are specifically designed for people with bad knees or arthritis. If you have inflammation from arthritis, yoga can help reduce the stress that makes your inflammation worse. Use a yoga strap to help you hold onto your foot during leg stretches if bending your knee puts you in pain.


Try a pilates class to improve the range of motion in stiff knees. While doing pilates isn't exactly a high-intensity workout, it will definitely get your blood pumping. And the stretches built into pilates are specifically designed to help improve your range of motion and ease joint pain. You might find a few stretching videos inspired by pilates, but this is really a discipline you need to learn from a pro. Most local gyms have pilates classes and there might even be a dedicated pilates studio near you that you can try.


Channel your inner ballet dancer with this trendy workout. No, barre classes alone won't give you the body of a ballet dancer—but they are a great way to burn some calories gracefully with moves that challenge your balance and build agility. There are some moves that you might find tough, especially if you have problems with bending, but the low-impact nature of a barre workout generally won't make any knee problems worse. Most local gyms offer barre classes, as well as some local community centers. If you want to try barre in the privacy of your own home, check out videos from some great barre instructors on YouTube.

Tai Chi

Tai chi can be as good as physical therapy at reducing knee pain. If you're looking for exercise that can help you center yourself and enhance a feeling of calm, you can't get much better than tai chi. Even better, it's relatively easy to find a group of people practicing tai chi in the park or follow along with videos at home. You don't need any special equipment—the slow movements rely entirely on your own body weight and muscle strength for resistance. It might seem like movements as slow as those you use when you practice tai chi wouldn't help you lose weight, but nothing can be further from the truth. In fact, studies show tai chi is particularly helpful in reducing belly fat.

Strength Training

Build the muscles that support your knees to reduce knee pain. A full workout routine for weight loss includes strength training. Not only does strength training itself burn calories, but you're building muscles, which burn more calories than fat even when you're not exercising. Focus on exercises that strengthen your quadriceps and hamstrings—two muscle groups in your legs that support your knees. Try squats and straight leg raises especially if you have knee pain. Don't do deep squats, though—you could worsen your knee injury. Only squat low enough to activate the quadriceps muscles in your thighs. Strengthening your quadriceps and even your glutes (buttocks) can help you maintain a good gait and good posture so you'll put less pressure on your knees. Building your quads back up is especially important if you've had a knee injury or recently had knee surgery. Talk to your physical therapist about exercises you can do to reactivate your quads. Try any high-intensity interval training that doesn't require using your knees, like Romanian twists or zig-zag crunches.

Elliptical Training

Trade in the treadmill for an elliptical machine. If you're used to hitting the treadmill, you know that constant pounding isn't going to do your knees any favors. The elliptical machine gives you a similar workout without putting any pressure on your knees, so you can burn calories without worrying about being sidelined by your bad knees. Your local gym likely has several elliptical machines that you can use on your own. They might also have classes, similar to spin classes, if you want to work out with a group.

Kettlebell Training

Swing kettlebells to strengthen your hips and reduce knee pain. Research points to the hips as a major factor in knee pain. The kettlebell swing works your hips and your core to give you a full-body, low-impact workout that won't strain your knees. You can do these workouts at home, but if you've never worked out with kettlebells before, you might go to a gym and get a trainer to show you proper form first. For a simple kettlebell swing, stand with your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the handle of the kettlebell with both hands and swing it between your legs, rocking your hips as you swing. Another popular kettlebell swing involves twisting so that the kettlebell swings on either side of your body. Keep your arms straight so that you're rocking your hips and engaging your core to twist. While swinging the kettlebell, activate your core and keep your knees slightly bent. This will keep pressure off your knees.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Focus on HIIT routines without jumping to burn calories without impact. High-intensity doesn't need to mean high-impact. HIIT workouts are famous (or infamous?) for fast, jumping exercises that can be murder on your knees. But there are plenty of routines available without jumps, deep squats, lunges, and other moves that might make your knees worse. Look for exercises such as straight-leg kicks, rows or push-ups, planks, shuffles, sit-ups, punches, and squats. If you find a HIIT routine that you like that includes an interval you can't do because of your knees, just swap out that interval with something else—you'll still get the full benefit of your workout.

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