Advertorial: Plan India, working for the underprivileged
Advertorial: Plan India, working for the underprivileged
Plan India currently works in 11 states, across 5000 communities and has touched the lives of over 10 lakh children.

Plan India is an Indian NGO working to improve the lives of underprivileged children like Kamlesh*, their families and communities through an approach that puts children at the centre of community development.

Since 1979, we have been working with our partners to help children access their rights to proper healthcare, basic education, healthy environment, protection from abuse and exploitation and participation in decisions that affect their lives. We encourage children to express their views and be actively involved in improving their communities.

"I want all girls in my community to be educated," says Kamlesh.

Kamlesh came from a very poor family. When her father failed to grow crops in the village, he sold off two acres of fertile land to pay off his debt.

Along with her family, Kamlesh migrated to Mumbai. Young Kamlesh who had studied till Grade 5th in the village was now employed in a factory that produced spare parts and was paid a daily wage of Rs 20. Despite all her hardships, she dreamt of studying again.

It was then that Plan India and its partner NGO contacted Kamlesh as a part of their programme to encourage school dropouts to resume education.

She got herself enrolled in a school after convincing her father with great difficulty. Today, she is the only girl in the extended family to have passed Grade 8th.

Her determination is getting stronger each day and she aims to pursue Fashion Designing later. She also educates young girls in her community on sanitation and active lifestyle. Kamlesh's example inspired her brother and he is also studying hard to finish his graduation.

She has re-written her own future and the future of her brother, as well. She also makes her mother proud by helping her take care of the family.

"I am free today, only because of Plan India," says Sanjay.

Fourteen-year-old Sanjay*, who lived in Delhi, was sent to work at a bangle-making factory at Indore by his own family. Sanjay had to work for long hours and would get paid a meager Rs 70 per week.

He would frequently burn his hands while melting glass. He lived with his uncle who abused him physically frequently. Sanjay ran away from his uncle's house to escape the torture and abuse he faced at both home and his workplace.

Plan India team along with its partner found him rag picking at a Railway station. Plan India team took up his case, counseled Sanjay and his family. Sanjay was willing to return to his parents and Sanjay's parents realized their grave mistake when they heard his tales of horror.

They were made to understand the value of education and risks involved in child labour by Plan India and its partner's staff. With this intervention, his parents have now agreed to enroll him in school so that he could have a better future.

Sanjay's story also became an example for all the neighborhood families who were tempted by convincing agents or other family members and considered or agreed to send their children to work in hazardous situations.

Sanjay is now a free and happy child, all thanks to the efforts of Plan India, its partners and all the other stakeholders.

Plan India currently works in 11 states in India, across 5000 communities and has touched the lives of over 10 lakh children. To make a difference in the lives of children do visit

(* name of the child has been changed)

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