Discharge from Hirakud: One feared drowned in Kathjodi
Discharge from Hirakud: One feared drowned in Kathjodi

One person was feared drowned and several others were stranded on a mound in the middle of the Kathjodi river on Saturday as water level rose suddenly due to discharge from the Hirakud reservoir.

 The person, identified as Naru Behera (45) from the Baligada Sahi along CDA river banks, is yet to be traced while about 11 of the same locality have been rescued by the firemen and local boatmen.

 According to reports, Behera and others of the sahi, a slum that has sprung up along the river banks, had gone to get their cattle back from the mound when the incident occurred at about 4 pm. The water level began to rise suddenly as the release from the Hirakud reservoir surged through the Kathjodi.

 Behera was reportedly caught in the surge and swept away while others reached the mound. They were, however, stranded on the mound.

 Firemen from the CDA Fire Station rushed with boats and rescued about five persons. Others were brought to safety by local boatmen. A search has been launched for the missing Behera, but he was not traced till last reports came in.

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