Energy audit Soon
Energy audit Soon
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: When it is the biggest Corporation in the State that functions in two buildings stretched over more than 100 r..

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: When it is the biggest Corporation in the State that functions in two buildings stretched over more than 100 rooms with double the number of computers, there is bound to be wastage of electricity. But once the City Corporation sees its e-governance project in place, a change could set in. For, the Rs 16.47-crore project also envisages an energy audit which would keep in check the consumption of electricity in the Corporation office.Wipro, which has been entrusted with the e-governance project, is set to undertake a study on the energy use in the office. As of now, the connected load in each building and the approved load are in two boats. Among the numerous electronic appliances, including the air-conditioners and printers in use in the Corporation office, some were added only recently. The main building with an outdated wiring network often chooses to strike work, reducing the age of many of the appliances.‘’Energy auditing is one component under the e-governance project which comes under office modernisation. We included it in the DPR because it is one aspect we cannot overlook. When you are speaking about computerisation and modernisation, you probably can’t fix your computers to old wiring systems or networks. The study will be done by the Wipro team and completed in three months,’’ said an official connected with the project. The study will look into the energy use in the local body, how it could be minimised and how it could be updated to the energy needs of the new project. If not full automation, at the end of the project, at least a couple of appliances could be turned computer-operated, officials say.Once the study is completed, the Corporation will call tenders for necessary changes in the office modernisation. Energy routing will be given more importance. ‘’As of now, people leave their computers on or the lights and fans working when they leave their seats. The old wiring produces more heat and there is energy loss,’’ said a Corporation official.The Corporation has been allotted Rs 13.47 crore for the e-governance project and an additional Rs 3 crore for the infrastructure development, including installation of kiosks, web casting, site preparation and modernisation. Thiruvananthapuram Corporation is piloting the project in the State in the current year.

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