According to Mataundh SHO Ramendra Tiwari, the incident took place at Lohra village where Mahesh (21) hanged himself from a tree. He was home quarantined on May 19 after he returned from Delhi, where he worked in a brick kiln.
A worker who had recently returned to UP's Banda from New Delhi allegedly committed suicide as he was 'not allowed' to marry a girl of his choice, police said on Monday.
According to Mataundh SHO Ramendra Tiwari, the incident took place at Lohra village where Mahesh (21) hanged himself from a tree. He was home quarantined on May 19 after he returned from Delhi, where he worked in a brick kiln.
"On Sunday, Mahesh ended his life by hanging himself from a tree. Prima facie, it seems that a love affair led to the suicide. His family had fixed his marriage on June 29 with a girl from Ratauli village in Mahoba against his wish," the SHO said.
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