Older Men In This Jaisalmer Village Have 2 Wives, They Believe Second Marriage Will Lead to Sons
Older Men In This Jaisalmer Village Have 2 Wives, They Believe Second Marriage Will Lead to Sons
It is believed that a man’s first wife often bears a daughter or remains childless. Hence the husband is forced to marry again, hoping for a son

In India marital bonds are considered pure and the relationship shared between married couples is believed to last for the next seven births. The practice of polygamy, that is, having more than one wife, is a legal offence. However, in this village located in Rajasthan’s Jaisalmer, men are permitted to have two wives.

In the village of Ramdeyo-Ki-Basti, both wives live peacefully under the same roof with their husband, much like sisters. According to the villagers, the wives never argue over their husband and share him with mutual consent.

According to the villagers, it is believed that when a man marries for the first time, either the wife does not become pregnant or she gives birth to a daughter. The husband is then compelled to marry again. This is because, it is believed that the second wife will give birth to a son. Hence, men in this village often marry twice.

However, the younger generation does not agree with this custom and has refused to adopt the practice of having two wives. However, everyone from the older generation has followed this age-old tradition.

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