Planning to Sell Your Home? Here are 5 Tips to Upgrade its Resale Value
Planning to Sell Your Home? Here are 5 Tips to Upgrade its Resale Value
To get a good value on your house, renovate it. This will help you fetch a price worth your property and push buyers make a quick decision.

Are you planning to sell your home? In case you do intend to sell your house and are looking for a good deal, here are certain things that you must consider doing that will help you fetch a price worth your property and push buyers make a quick decision.

Renovate the Entrance

As the adage goes, “First impression is the last impression” thus to impress a person and get a good resale value, renovate the entrance which includes the main gate, maintain the garden area, if any, and also lay stress on the front door. Just repainting the gates and flower pots can lend a neat look to your exteriors and doesn’t cost much.

Focus on Decent Interiors

Nobody would like to invest or live in a house with stains on the wall or paint peeling off. So, to get a better price on your house, it's better if you get the walls of the house painted, not just on the outside but on the inside at well. Don’t go all out and get a fancy colour painted on your walls, rather opt for neutral shades that can appeal one and all. Also make sure, you remove any stains and marks from the kitchen walls.

Get basic repairs done in the washrooms or kitchen, water taps or any sanitation issues that need to be resolved, etc. The point is to stay clear of a Shabby Look.

Ventilation and Light Spark Fresh Feeling

Check the ventilation of the rooms and the exhaust fans present in the washrooms and kitchen. Also for a well-lit house make sure you strike a balance between the natural light that comes into the house and the artificial light.

Pest control

Pests in the house are a real turn off. Given the humid climate of India, pests are a common problem. However don’t let the pests bring down the resale price of your property. It’s better to get rid of any infestations in your house by availing professional services for the purpose of pest control, regularly.


While buying a house one of the major concerns is the safety and security of the dwellers. Make sure you have a good security system in place not just outside the main door but on the inside too with properly functioning security locks, knobs, door handles and a fence or grille at the backside.

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