Pondy increases VAT, raises duty on booze
Pondy increases VAT, raises duty on booze
PUDUCHERRY: The government of the Union Territory of Puducherry has increased VAT rates on several articles and raised the excise ..

PUDUCHERRY: The government of the Union Territory of Puducherry has increased VAT rates on several articles and raised the excise duty and additional excide duty on liquor, in order to mobilise revenue to realise targets and support budgetary expenditure. House construction would become expensive, with VAT on building materials having been raised from 6 per cent to 10 per cent.  The tax for generators, amplifiers and speakers has been raised from 4 to 10 per cent. Besides, all plastic goods, other than doors, windows, frames, profiles and automobile, industrial and sanitary items, and unbranded steel furniture would be taxed at 10 per cent, up from the existing 6 per cent. All furniture, including mattresses would be taxed at 10 per cent.  All kinds of cooked food including sweets, savouries and mineral water would be taxed at 10 per cent.  Ghee, dates and syrup would be taxed at 10 per cent, up from 4 per cent. All kinds of two-wheelers will be taxed at 10 per cent. Tax on auto parts, accessories and attachments which was hitherto 6 per cent has been raised to 10 per cent. Increasing daily household expenditure would be the 3 per cent tax introduced on hitherto exempted items like edible oil, vegetable oil, oil cake and de-oiled cake and the 5 per cent tax on masala powder. Besides, soaps and detergents, in all forms, which were taxed at 4 per cent would be costlier as it is now taxed at 10 per cent. All kinds of industrial inputs and packaging sold to industries now taxed at 3 per cent from the existing 1 per cent. All kinds of machinery sold to industries would be taxed at 3 per cent.Excise duty for IMFL products (ordinary brands) have been enhanced to `73 per proof litre from `63 per proof litre, while that for medium and premium brands the ED has been enhanced to `83 per proof litre from `63 per proof litre. For beer, the ED has been revised to `375 per bulk litre to `275 per bulk litre.Further, the additional excise duty (AED) for IMFL and Beer levied by the Puducherry government replacing the Sales tax since 2007, has been enhanced. The slabs for AED on IMFL has been enhanced from 10 to 18 slabs. The minimum AED has been enhanced to `41 per bulk litre from `26 per bulk litre, while the maximum (for 600 bulk litres and above) the AED has been enhanced from `149 to `334 per bulk litre. For beer, AED has been enhanced from `9 to `18 per bulk litre (slab up to 299 bulk litres) while it has gone from `18 per bulk litre to `24 per bulk litre for 400 bulk litres and above.The government expects to enhance the revenue to `80 crore annually through this measure. In the next three months of the current year, the government expects to collect a revenue of `20 crore. However, it is likely to fall short of targeted revenue of `778 crore and may be able to mop up around `425 crore.

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