Seminary issues fatwa against SRK, draws flak
Seminary issues fatwa against SRK, draws flak
Actor says magazine published comment wrongly, but row won't end.

Bareilly: A seminary in Bareilly has issued a fatwa (edict) against Shah Rukh Khan though the actor has clarified that his comment on Islam in a luxury magazine was published wrongly.

"A person making a remark like the one attributed to Shah Rukh is a kafir (non-beliver) and is struck out of Islam," said the fatwa issued by Mufti Mohammed Shoeb Raza Qadri and Mufti Muti-ur-Rehman of Darul-uloom-Mazhar-e-Islam on Monday.

In an Islamic state the person who makes such comments is liable to be killed, it said. His marriage also stands nullified and if the person making such statements dies as a "Kafir", then he must not be buried in a Muslim graveyard.

The person making such a remark must offer an immediate apology to return to Islam, the fatwa said.

Khan has strongly denied the comments attributed to him in an interview published in a magazine, saying he had been misquoted.

Bareilly-based Markazi Darul Ifta, which is responsible for issuing fatwas for Barelvi sect, dismissed the decree saying the move by the two clercis was "unnecessary".

"If someone is saying that he has not made statements (against Prophet), then what is the need to issue a fatwa," a spokesperson of Markazi Darul Ifta Maulana Shahbuddin said.

Darul-Uloom Deoband spokesman Ashraf Usmani said, "We have no plans to issue such fatwa. The fatwa issued against Shah Rukh is not significant," he said.

Another cleric Maulana Yaseen Misbahi said: "such kind of fatwa should not be issued on the basis of media reports."

Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind spokesman Maulana Abdul Hamid Noamani echoed Darul-Uloom Deoband spokesman Usmani, saying, "When Khan himself is saying he has not issued such statement, then what is the point in issuing such a fatwa."

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