The Railway Police, Kottayam, on Monday night arrested a TTE, who was on duty in a Chennai-bound super fast train, for misbehaving with passengers on board in an inebriated state.
The arrested is identified as Biju A, 39, of Palamoottil house, Pathiyoor, near Kayamkulam. Biju is an accused in a case relating to the assault on a Jawan in the Thiruvananthapuram-bound Kerala Express hardly a week ago. The incident occurred on Monday evening in the Thiruvananthapuram-Chennai superfast train between Kollam and Kayamkulam stations.
The passengers alerted the Railway authorities through the helpline number. The Railway Police arrested him when the train arrived at Kottayam at 8.30 pm. He was tested positive in an alcohol detection test.
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