US President Barack Obama's job rating for handling race relations declines
US President Barack Obama's job rating for handling race relations declines
Currently, 40 per cent approve of Obama's handling of race relations, while 50 per cent disapprove, said a joint opinion poll by Pew Research Center and USA Today.

Washington: The approval rating of US President Barack Obama on his handling of race relations has declined by 8 percentage points in the wake of controversial killings of two black men in the country, according to a new opinion poll.

Currently, 40 per cent approve of Obama's handling of race relations, while 50 per cent disapprove, said a joint opinion poll by Pew Research Center and USA Today.

"In August, shortly after Michael Brown's death in Ferguson, 48 per cent approved of his handling of race relations, and 42 per cent disapproved," the opinion poll said.

The deaths of Brown and Eric Garner at the hands of white police officers sparked nationwide protests, after grand juries in both cases declined to issue indictments.

There is broad support across racial lines for body cameras. Nearly 87 per cent, including 90 per cent of blacks and 85 per cent of whites, think it is a good idea for police officers to wear body cameras to record their interactions, it said.

According to the poll, the public has very different reactions to the recent grand jury decisions in two police-related deaths that have sparked protests in cities across the country.

Obama's approval on race relations has declined the most among black people, from 73 per cent to 57 per cent since August. Among white people, it has declined from 42 per cent to 33 per cent.

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