Uttar Pradesh Tops Crime List, Delhi Least Safe Among Metros: NCRB Data
Uttar Pradesh Tops Crime List, Delhi Least Safe Among Metros: NCRB Data
Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Kerala figured at the top of the crime data for 2016 released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB).

New Delhi: Uttar Pradesh topped the crime stats for 2016, accounting for 9.5% of the total crimes committed in the country, showed data released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) on Thursday. Uttar Pradesh was followed by Madhya Pradesh (8.9%), Maharashtra (8.8%) and Kerala (8.7%).

Here’s a look at the 2016 crime statistics:

Rise in Crimes Against Women

Crimes against women saw a jump of 2.9% in 2016 over the previous year, with Uttar Pradesh accounting for 14.5% (49,262) of total cases reported in the country. UP was followed by West Bengal at 9.6% (32,513 cases).

Delhi reported the highest crime rate against women at 160.4% against the national average rate of 55.2%.

The country also reported a rise in rape cases, with an increase of 12.4% from 34,651 cases in 2015 to 38,947 in 2016. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh reported the highest incidence of rape with 4,882 cases (12.5%) and 4,816 (12.4%), respectively, followed by Maharashtra with 4,189 cases (10.7%) during 2016.

Rise in crime against children

The NCRB data also pointed to a rise in crimes against children, with Uttar Pradesh topping this list too, followed by Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

The number of cases of kidnapping and abduction reported during 2016 stood at 54,723, out of which 9,657 were in UP, 7,956 from Maharashtra and 6,106 from Madhya Pradesh.

Cases under Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) in 2016 were 36,022, of which UP reported 4,954 cases, followed by Maharashtra (4,815) and Madhya Pradesh (4,717).

According to data released by the NCRB, crime against children has seen a rising trend over the past three years. The biggest jump was recorded in 2016 at 13.6% — 1,06,958 cases against 94,172 reported in 2015.

Cases of kidnapping and abduction of children accounted for 52.3% of the total cases, followed by cases reported under POCSO (34.4%). The crime rate in 2014 stood at 20.1%, which increased to 21.1. Shockingly, the figure in 2015 shot up to 24% in 2016.

Delhi tops metropolitan cities in crime

Delhi topped the crime list among metropolitan cities, accounting for 38.8% of total crimes reported under the Indian Penal Code, followed by Bengaluru (8.9%) and Mumbai (7.7%).

The national capital also reported the highest number of cases of kidnapping and abduction at 5,453, followed by Mumbai with 1,876 cases. Delhi also reported the highest number of murder cases among metros, followed by Bengaluru.

The data further showed Delhi topping the list among metros in terms of crime against women, with 13,803 out of 41,761 cases and the highest crime rate (182.1%) compared to the national average rate of 77.2%. The city reported nearly 40% of rape cases and nearly 29% each of cruelty by husband and his relatives, and dowry deaths.

Seizure of arms, ammunitions and currency

For the first time ever, the NCRB has recorded the seizure of arms, drugs and fake currency by Assam Rifles, CISF, BSF, CRPF, ITBP, NIA and SSB.

Uttar Pradesh (27,189 arms) reported the maximum number of seizures, followed by Madhya Pradesh (8,019 arms) and Rajasthan (5,757 arms) during 2016.

At 1,14,751 notes worth Rs 5,65,21,460, Delhi reported the maximum number of seizure of fake Indian currency notes, followed by Gujarat with 39,725 notes (worth Rs 2,37,24,050) and West Bengal with 32,869 notes (worth Rs. 2,32,95,800) during 2016.

A total 3,50,862 kg drugs were seized by various agencies last year.

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