Women find Mr Right through instincts
Women find Mr Right through instincts
Women can find a suitable mate by just looking at a man’s face or by pure instincts, says research.

Sydney: Men who have been trying to court women, should make sure that you have the right vibes and appropriate expressions on your face.

Women can find a suitable mate just by looking at a man’s face or by pure instincts, says a research

And a more reliable way for a woman, to judge whether a man will be a suitable mate, is to look at him in the face and to trust her instincts, US scientists say.

In a study published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, a journal of the UK's Royal Society, psychologists test a key hypothesis about male attractiveness.

In a nutshell, this theory says that women are, frankly, ambivalent. They might fancy men who are hunky and macho, but they also like the kind and the caring kind.

These preferences may seem contradictory, but there is a substantial genetic cause for it.

A strong, beefy, square-jawed man represents the best potential for producing a healthy baby.

And a caring, friendly, sensitive man represents the best potential for protecting and nurturing offsprings, reports ABC Online.

Indeed, studies into female hormones and sex drive, say a woman will find a 'masculine' face more attractive when she ovulates.

She will however, switch on to a more 'feminine' preference during the other phases of her menstrual cycle.

A team led by assistant professor, James Roney of the University of California at Santa Barbara, has now put the theory to the test in an experiment combining psychology and hormones.

The researchers found the women were uncannily accurate in guessing which men liked children and which men were less interested or indifferent to them.

The men, who the women considered to be more masculine and a choice for a brief fling also had higher testosterone levels, than their counterparts.

However, men with whom the women preferred having a long-term relationship, had a strong affinity for children.

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