This Tulsi and Haldi Kadha is Perfect for Boosting Immunity in Monsoon
This Tulsi and Haldi Kadha is Perfect for Boosting Immunity in Monsoon
In order to strengthen immunity, you should definitely include healthy foods and drinks in your diet.

The second wave of Covid-19 hit India real hard. In these times of the pandemic, immunity is something everyone wants to attain. Apart from this deadly virus, there are also a host of other germs and diseases which rule the roost during the monsoon. People with weak immunity are the most vulnerable during this season. In order to strengthen immunity, you should definitely include healthy foods and drinks in your diet. One of the most effective drinks for fighting off season-borne ailments is a concoction of basil and turmeric, more popularly known as kadha, which not only strengthens immunity but also helps to overcome cold and soreness of the throat.

Below is a simple recipe on how to make this wonderful kadha


Half tsp of turmeric powder

8 to 10 basil or tulsi leaves

2 to 3 tablespoons of honey

Around 3 to 4 cloves

1 to 2 cinnamon sticks

First, take water in a pan and add turmeric powder, basil leaves, cloves and cinnamon sticks to it. Leave it to boil for at least 30 minutes. Make sure to filter this water and drink it after it gets lukewarm, adding some honey to taste. You can drink this kadha two to three times daily to strengthen immunity, and cure cold and flu.

Benefits of drinking kadha

First of all, it provides relief from the common cold and sore throat.

Diabetic patients are advised to drink it in order to keep blood sugar levels within limits.

Drinking kadha regularly rids your body of toxins and your immunity levels go up.

Problems related to constipation and loose motion can be solved to a great extent by drinking this.

(The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and general knowledge. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before using this at home)

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