Internet sensation Urfi Javed encountered an uncomfortable situation at the Mumbai airport recently. The actress was spotted arguing with a man who commented on her clothes. In a video shared by Viral Bhayani, Urfi can be seen coming out of the airport while flanked by fans. However, a man passes a disrespectful comment on her, leading to a verbal argument. The man in question said, ‘India ka naam kharab karti ho (You are giving India a bad name)”. Urfi, who sported a green, printed backless dress, stood up against the man’s comments, and her fans rallied in support, calling out his behaviour and defending the actress’s right to respect and dignity.
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She recently also took to her Instagram stories and penned a note claiming some men made ‘nasty comments’ about her while she was travelling. When she tried to confront them, one of their friends allegedly told Urfi that his friends were drunk. “While travelling from Mumbai to Goa on one of the flights yesterday I had to go through harassment, the men in this video were saying nasty things, eve teasing and calling names. When I confronted them, one of them said that their friends were drunk. Being drunk is no excuse to misbehave with women. Being drunk is no excuse to misbehave with women. Public figure YES, Public property NO,” the actress wrote.
Urfi Javed is no stranger to facing trolls. The social media sensation is often trolled for her bold and eclectic fashion choices. Recently, she opened up about the lack of respect she receives, leading some to be hesitant about working with her. In an interview with BBC World, Urfi said, “I have achieved popularity? Yes. Fame? Yes. Work? No. People don’t respect me. People don’t want to work with me,” and then added, “I scream attention. I want attention so I dress like that.”
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