Boost Your Sexual Wellness: 6 Proven Secrets
Boost Your Sexual Wellness: 6 Proven Secrets
Unlike the popular belief that sexual wellness is simply about having intercourse, it is much more than that

Wellness is a hot topic these days, with people focusing on everything from yoga to organic food to improve their overall health and well-being. However, one area that often gets overlooked is sexual wellness. Unlike the popular belief that sexual wellness is simply about having intercourse, it is much more than that. Sexual wellness is a state of overall body, mind, and soul balance. A person cannot have a fulfilling sex life if they are under stress, have a sedentary lifestyle, or lack emotional and physical connection with themselves and their partner. Sexual wellness means being fully alive in our senses, open and vulnerable in our hearts, and connected with our bodies and minds. In short, it’s not just about physical pleasure, but also emotional and mental well-being. Pallavi Barnwal, Sexuality Coach and Pleasure Educator, Yoniverse on coto, shares the secrets that would help one maintain sexual wellness

Engage the senses to heighten pleasure

If you go to the restaurant to have a nice dinner. What makes that dinner a delightful experience? The food is beautifully presented, there is the visual beauty of the tableware, cutlery, candles, scent of flowers, and melodious music. All these elements make eating a heightened experience, it’s not the same as a stuffed burger in a local outlet. With sex, it is just the same.


Masturbation, jacking off has got a bad rap in our society. It is considered unpleasant, even sinful. Which is such a shame, because it could have made a world of difference to your experience of sex. I encourage every person to enjoy the pleasures of solo sex. Because self-pleasure is core to sexual empowerment and sexual development.

Breathe Well

Breathing is vitally important for a healthy sex life. Deep belly breathing makes you calmer, you have healthier organs, toned abdominals and you are connected to your whole body. Thus, you are healthier, you look younger, feel more vital and have a better quality of life.

Express your emotions

Some people get labelled as emotional, as if it’s a bad habit. Well, we’re all emotional. If you experience emotions, it means you can feel, which means you are a living being. In sex as well, give space to your emotions – be it sadness, anger, jealousy, joy. Don’t numb them because this also means you are numbing out or suppressing your inner feelings.

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Ever done room makeovers? Basically a makeover is when you realise something needs change in some area of life and then you set about changing that. Your sex life also deserves timely makeovers – this can be trying new ways of making love to changing places to make love, changing the décor of your bedroom, makeover possibilities are endless.

Phone policy

Some of my clients say that they live “like two roommates”. Each in their own little world and no romance between them at all. It’s monotonous. When you’re on your phone, your attention is on those ‘magical apps’ – notifications, feed updates. You’re not with your partner. Your consciousness is sucked into an alternate reality, you are not in the here and now, you are in another dimension. Work on it and try sticking to a no-mobile policy in the bedroom.


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