Child Rights Body Summons YouTube India Official Over 'Indecent' Videos Involving Mothers, Sons
Child Rights Body Summons YouTube India Official Over 'Indecent' Videos Involving Mothers, Sons
The ‘challenge videos’ reportedly featured indecent acts between mothers and sons, such as kisses, between mothers and adolescent sons

Raising concerns over ‘indecent content’ involving mothers and sons, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) has summoned YouTube India’s senior official to appear before it with a list of channels showcasing such videos.

Mira Chatt, YouTube India’s head of government affairs and public policy in India, has been asked to appear before the child rights body on January 15 in person.

NCPCR chief Priyank Kanoongo, in a letter addressed to Chatt, said that the commission has observed an alarming trend on YouTube channels where several challenges portray potentially indecent acts involving mothers and sons.

“This raises serious concerns about the potential harm it could inflict on a child’s well-being and safety. Further, these videos have viewership, including minors, which also raises significant concern,” the letter said.

NCPCR said it has taken cognisance of an alarming trend on YouTube channels with challenges portraying potentially indecent acts involving mothers and sons.

The commission, in pursuance of its functions and powers under sections 13 and 14 of the Commissions for Protection of Child Rights Act, 2005, requested the physical presence of Chatt at 4 pm on January 15 at its office, with a list of such channels.

The ‘challenge videos’ reportedly featured indecent acts between mothers and sons, such as kisses, between mothers and adolescent sons.

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