Delhi Man, His Minor Friend Stab Person for Talking to Ex-girlfriend
Delhi Man, His Minor Friend Stab Person for Talking to Ex-girlfriend
The accused bought a button-activated knife to commit the crime.

A 20-year-old man and his juvenile friend allegedly stabbed a person in Delhi’s Mangolpuri for talking to his former girlfriend, police said on Wednesday. Ashad alias Billa and his juvenile friend were apprehended from Anand Vihar bus stand on Tuesday, they said.

According to the police, Ashad used to work as a delivery boy in Delhi but during COVID-19 lockdown, he returned to his native place in Uttar Pradesh’s Kanpur and had a break-up with his girlfriend here. When Ashad found out that Saif (23) was in contact with his former girlfriend, he came to Delhi in July and warned the victim to stay away from her and not call her. Later, he went back to Kanpur.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer) Parvinder Singh said, “During interrogation, the accused confessed to his crime and told police that when Saif, despite warning, did not stop calling his former girlfriend, he returned to Delhi five days before the incident and bought a button-actuated knife online.” On August 4, Ashad called Saif to a park with the help of his juvenile friend. When the victim arrived there, the duo stabbed him and fled from the spot, the DCP said. Saif was taken to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead by doctors, he said.

While stabbing Saif, the duo also got injured and after treatment at Safdarjung hospital, the two returned to Uttar Pradesh, added. “Since both the suspects were natives of Kanpur, a team was sent to their house but the two were not found there. Our team got to know that the two had gone to Fatehpur at Ashad’s step-sister’s house to seek financial help and then again moved to another unknown location,” the senior police officer said.

“After a long chase of over 600 km through Agra, Kanpur, Fatehpur and Lucknow, the team finally got information at Barabanki in UP that the two accused have boarded a bus towards Delhi on August 9 in the night and the same was established in the CCTV footage, the officer said. A blood-stained knife and the victim’s phone were seized from their possession, he added.

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