10 interesting facts about the new Google logo
10 interesting facts about the new Google logo
The new Google logo, while borrowing elements from the Google logo history also deviates in a number of ways.

Google has a new logo. The last time Google tweaked it was in 2013. The unveiling of the new logo comes just weeks after a surprise reorganisation of Google under a newly formed parent company called Alphabet.

The new logo, while borrowing elements from the Google logo history also deviates in a number of ways. Here are 10 interesting facts about the new Google logo:

1. The new Google logo is the seventh Google logo and the sixth since its search engine opened to the public in 1998

Evolution of the Google logo

2. This is the first time that Google announced a new logo with a doodle on the Google home pages around the world.

3. The new Google logo combines "the mathematical purity of geometric forms with the childlike simplicity of schoolbook letter printing."

4. The new Google logo retains the rotated 'e' from the previous Google logo, as a reminder that Google will "always be a bit unconventional."

Google logo rotated e

5. In addition to the new logotype, Google has created a new san-serif typeface called Product Sans. The new font will be used to name Google products and maintain an appropriate level of distinction between the Google logotype and the product name.

6. Previously mobile users on low bandwidth were shown a different version of the Google logo. With this new change, the logos displayed on low and high bandwidth connections will be uniform.

7. The old Google logo image weighed ~14,000 bytes, while a special variant of Google's full-color logo is only 305 bytes.

8. Google "pushed the vibrancy of the red, green, and yellow to maintain saturation and pop" in its new logo.

9. The latest revamp of the Google logo is the biggest since 1998. Previous logo changes haven't been so strikingly different from its predecessor.

10. The compact version of the Google logo, used to identify most of its apps, bids farewell to the little blue "g" icon and replaces it with a uppercase "G" coloured in blue, red, yellow and green to match the full logo.

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