Former CIA Agent Claims He Saw Aliens On Mars During Cold War Experiment
Former CIA Agent Claims He Saw Aliens On Mars During Cold War Experiment
During the Cold War, these tests were conducted by the US to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people.

A former American CIA agent has claimed that he has seen aliens on Mars. As strange as this claim sounds, what is even stranger is how and when he saw these aliens. The former agent named Joe McManigal said that he had seen all this from Earth during experiments on psychosis. McManigal was a participant in Stargate, a unique mind experiment. In this, unique research on the capabilities of the human brain was conducted. He claimed to have had visions throughout the experiment in which he saw humanoid aliens standing ten feet tall inside Mars’ pyramids.

During the Cold War, these tests were conducted by the US intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture. McManigal shared details of his experiences. He claimed that during the trial, programme director Bob Munroe woke him up and asked him to think of a location that wasn’t in China or Russia. In actuality, he claims what he saw happened millions of years ago and millions of kilometres away.

McManigal said that he was sleeping in an enclosed box at the Munro Institute. He was woken up and asked what was happening, in a vision he saw a sealed envelope, which he was asked to open and reveal what was inside it.

When he viewed the picture of the enormous pyramid inside the envelope, McManigal instantly knew it was a new location because it dwarfed the Giza Pyramid. As soon as he was instructed to look at that structure, he realised that the pyramid must have been constructed for the accident survivors. He saw remnants of an ancient civilisation. However, these ten-foot-tall individuals didn’t appear entirely human; rather, they looked like strange humanoids.

Joe McManigal explained on the Schwan Ryan Podcast that his mind received information that the time was one million BC. So what he believed he saw was a species of long-gone humanoids on Mars. Later he was shown some pictures of Mars taken from satellite, in which there was a huge crater. Seeing this, McManigal was convinced that these aliens used to live on Mars in ancient times.

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