Netizens Lose Cool After YouTuber Shares Clip Of Thai Cab Driver Abusing Indians
Netizens Lose Cool After YouTuber Shares Clip Of Thai Cab Driver Abusing Indians
The incident, which was captured by a YouTuber, depicts the cab driver allegedly using abusive language towards India and Indians. The driver calls Indians 'kanjoos' (miser) and uses profane language.

A recent video circulating on the internet has been making viewers angry. The now-viral clip shows a cab driver, reportedly in Thailand, engaging in a heated argument with Indian tourists. The incident, which was captured by a YouTuber, depicts the cab driver allegedly using abusive language towards India and Indians. The video, uploaded by the Kannada-speaking YouTuber, captures the argument between him and the cab driver. The driver can be heard calling Indians “Kanjoos" (miser) and using profane language towards them. He also appears to show his middle finger to the YouTuber after being confronted about his behaviour.

Following the argument, the YouTuber and his friend got out of the cab and asked the cab driver to apologise for what he said. They also told him that they had the footage and they would call the cops.

They insisted that he apologise for his derogatory remarks towards India and Indians. The YouTuber also requested that the cab driver put up a sign saying “Indians not allowed in Thailand," which the cab driver refused to do.

After a prolonged argument, the cab driver eventually apologized and left the scene. The video of the incident has since gone viral, sparking widespread condemnation of the cab driver’s behavior. Users on social media have criticised him for his disrespectful attitude towards Indians.

Watch the video here:

In response to the incident, social media users have expressed outrage and have called for action. Some have even urged some action to be taken against the incident.

The YouTuber, in his video, expressed his disappointment over the incident but highlighted the importance of standing up for his country. He emphasised the need for the cab driver to acknowledge his mistake and apologise, which eventually happened.

“Hi guys, Welcome back to my Vlog, Today I’m going for an International trip guys, Along with me My friend Sujit and his friend also joined me. As soon as we reached our destination country, we booked a cab to go to our hotel, but on the way our cab driver misbehaved with us and he abused our India and Indians. We argued with him for my country."

He further said, “This went on sometime guys, but still we never give up and asked him to say sorry for my India."

Viewers in the comment section have lauded the YouTuber for his act and said, “Everyone from india should have this strance about our india. Be good with us we will be good with you . Otherwise let them know that we don’t call our country as mother for no reason."

“Thank you so much bro.. I am your big fan. We are proud of you brother," said another viewer.

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