Planning A Trip? These Security Tips Will Help You Spend Your Holidays Peacefully
Planning A Trip? These Security Tips Will Help You Spend Your Holidays Peacefully
The biggest danger is from cameras peeping everywhere.

Whenever we plan a trip, booking a hotel or lodge is a must. But before staying in a hotel, you should be completely aware of its safety, as nowadays many dangerous incidents often go viral on the internet, which is very shocking. Recently, security experts shared some tips to warn people, which are necessary for our security. One such tip has been shared on social media, which we should keep in mind while staying in a hotel. The biggest danger is from cameras peeping everywhere.

In the viral video, it has been shared that if you want to check the mirror of your hotel to see if it is double-sided or if there is a camera behind it, then you should do a small test. For this, one will need some tape and some coloured markers.

As per the video, one should apply the tape, making a small rectangle box. Colour it with four different markers and place a piece of tape in the middle of the box. After some time, remove the tape from the middle and see if the shadow of the lines is visible on the mirror or not. If it is visible, the mirror is safe; otherwise, there is something wrong.

Apart from this, keep one of your fingers or thumbs on the mirror; if there is a gap between the shadow of your nail, then the mirror is safe; otherwise, it might be two-sided. The video was shared on the Instagram handle thedailynelly. “Always check your hotel mirrors,” reads the caption. Take a look at the clip:

Seeing the video, people shared their feedback in the comment section. One user said this is a child’s work. While another added, “I did not understand it completely.” At the same time, some users have also found this information very useful.

Along with this, cybercrime has also become one of the most common crimes in the digital era. As the technology sector is on the rise, the rise of smartphones and the internet has raised concerns regarding the privacy and security of users.

Meanwhile, Adrianus Warmenhoven, a cyber security expert, shared important ways to protect the devices. He emphasised the fact that a VPN service should be installed to encrypt the data, and a firewall should be used while using public Wi-Fi.

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