This 10-Minute Microwave Flan Recipe Is Super Impressive And Tasty
This 10-Minute Microwave Flan Recipe Is Super Impressive And Tasty
A fluffy flan recipe that can be prepared within 10 minutes has gone viral on Instagram.

Dessert lovers can rejoice as a game-changing instant microwave flan recipe has taken the Internet by storm. People with a sweet tooth know that there’s no end to dessert cravings and they can hit you anytime. Processed sugar treats tend to come to your rescue during these cravings but nothing quite beats the satisfaction of homemade delicacies.

If you are someone who needs an easy recipe that does the job without consuming too much time then this video just might be for you. An Instagram page called the Cup Cake Project has shared a 10-minute flan recipe which will take you just 10 minutes to make in a microwave. Once prepared as per the given instructions, the result should look soft, fluffy and delicious.

The video begins with the Argentine man adding a spoon of sugar to two different cups. He then adds a little water and gives both cups a good stir before placing them in an oven. Then in a separate bowl, he cracks two eggs, a cup of milk, some sugar and a little bit of vanilla extract. He then stirs the bowl and keeps it aside.

Meanwhile, he takes the cups out of the oven while swirling them to make sure there’s an even sugar coating all around and lets them cool off. He then adds the mixture from the bowl to the two cups and then places them in the oven. After heating them in the oven for five minutes, the Argentine puts the cups in the freezer to chill and then he places them on a plate.

This recipe has received more than 24 million views on Instagram, attracting reactions from several netizens. The caption reads, “Will it be the best flan you’ve ever had? No. Will it be a super impressive dessert with hardly any effort? 100 per cent.” One user replied to the post saying that the dessert should have enough vanilla. “Just add some vanilla until you hear the voice of your ancestors saying: “That’s enough child”, he wrote. Another hilariously said, “I’m a flan of this method”. One netizen joked that he probably shouldn’t have known it was that easy to make flan. “I didn’t need to know that flan was THIS ACCESSIBLE”, she said. Another user commented, “Definition of measuring vanilla with your heart!”

The video has received appreciation and approval from all over the world. Several Indians are also awed at this luscious dessert with the wonderful caramelised topping.

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