This ‘Excavator Slip And Slide’ Game Will Make You Want To Take Part
This ‘Excavator Slip And Slide’ Game Will Make You Want To Take Part
In the comment section, many people highlighted how this game might cause injuries.

At some point, everyone has indulged in some version of the ‘slip and slide’ game that involves adding water on smooth surfaces, mostly on plastic sheets, and then sliding over it. Now, a video is going viral that shows a group of people enjoying a game of ‘slip and slide’ that involves an excavator machine. The undated video shows two people holding onto a rope that is attached to an excavator. The excavating machine is surrounded by sheets of plastic that appear to be sleeked with soapy water. The men hold on to the rope as the machine moves in circles.

The core of the game is to move in sync with the machine in circles. For the first few rounds, the men manage to slide in circles on the slippery plastic sheets. The people around them cheer them delightfully. At some point, one of the two men loses his grip and is thrown into the grass. The other person manages his hold on the rope and even gets to stand up and ‘surf’ as the machine moves him in circles. After some time as the machine increases its speed, the man loses his grip and falls down. It appears that this makeshift arrangement was made during a family and friends gathering.

It is unclear when and where this video was taken but judging by the flag that one of the men was wearing in the clip, it appears that video might have been taken in Australia. It was shared by the popular Instagram account Unilad on March 6. The clip was captioned, “This looks like so much fun.”

So far, this clip has gathered over 6,700 likes. In the comments, many people admitted that while the game looked fun, it was also dangerous and could cause a lot of injuries and bruises.

Commenting on the possibility of this ‘game’ going wrong, an Instagram user commented, “It’s all fun and games until someone gets swung off into that tree. I’d still give it a go though.” Another person jokingly wrote, “My body is bruised just watching this.” An Instagram user observed, “As I was watching it I was thinking to myself how Aussie this looked, and then I saw the flag.”

Talking about the use of the excavating machine in the video, an Instagram user wrote, “This is why the road developments are delayed.” Another person wondered, “Who has a mini crane just waiting to be used for such?”

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