8 Interview Questions That This Man Used To Get Jobs At JPMorgan, Citi, Goldman Sachs
8 Interview Questions That This Man Used To Get Jobs At JPMorgan, Citi, Goldman Sachs
Andrew Lukenauth, a financial expert and writer, shares a strategy to get a job at top corporate giants

Andrew Lukenauth, a financial expert and writer, has shared a strategy to get a job at top corporate giants. He said every job interview ends with Q&A but most people never ask questions at the end of job interviews. He said there are eight questions that he used to get hired at JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and Citi.

In a post on Threads, he shared questions that he said he used to get hired at the top corporates and also shared the reasons behind asking them.

Question 1. ‘Anything Else?’

“Is there anything else I can elaborate on to ensure I’m the top choice?” the first question reads. Lukenauth said this open-ended question allows you to seal the deal by addressing any lingering questions and doubling down on your unique strengths.

Question 2. ‘Doubts on My Qualifications?’

“What doubts do you have about my qualifications for this role?” he wrote as the second question.

He said this will allow you to respond to any hesitations and remove roadblocks to a job offer. This flips the script to have them present any doubts, allowing you to address their concerns.

Question 3. ‘Typical Day In Job Role?’

“Can you describe a typical day in this role?” the third question reads. He said this question helps him understand the daily responsibilities and expectations of the position.

Question 4. ‘Skills Needed?’

“What are some of the skills and experiences you’re hoping the ideal candidate has, that we haven’t gotten a chance to talk about?” according to the fourth question.

He said this prompts them to call out must-have skills where you can make the case that you still check the boxes for.

Question 5. ‘Internal Promotions System?’

The fifth question is: “How does this company handle internal promotions and career advancement?”

Lukenauth said growth potential is a major factor in job satisfaction and employee retention. Knowing the company’s approach to internal promotions and career advancement will help you plan your career trajectory.

Question 6. ‘Success Criteria?’

“What key achievements would define success in the first 6-12 months?” according to the sixth question.

He said another angle at surfacing their current challenges and top priorities, where you can position yourself as qualified. It also defines what success looks like in their eyes for this role.

Question 7. ‘Soft Skills Needed?’

“What are some must-have soft skills you feel contribute most to success here?” the seventh question reads.

Lukenauth said every workplace has personality, behavior, and mindset clues that unlock culture fit and influence performance. This exposes the key ingredients for those who thrive here long-term and signals whether you fit.

Question 8. ‘Biggest Challenges in First 3 Months of Job?’

“What are the biggest challenges I would face in the first 3 months if hired?” as per the eighth question.

He said this shows you are thinking beyond just getting the job and are preparing for long-term success. It also surfaces key areas where you may already have experience to overcome such challenges. Listen for details on the current top priorities and problems of the role you could help solve.

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